Deferring your admission and taking an interrupted enrollment are both ways to ensure your place at Chapman while taking time away from your studies.
If you are an incoming student and considering deferring admission, the information below will help you understand both of these options.
Admission Deferral
Deferring Admission means you are moving your entry term forward by one semester or academic year. If you are considering a deferral, please note you:
- Must submit your Enrollment Deposit to be eligible for deferral.
- Will be unable to take coursework at any other institution during the duration of your deferral.
- Will be unable to apply to other two- or four-year institutions during the duration of your deferral.
Deferral requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by our Admission Committee. It’s important to remember that the process must be started by reaching out to your Admission Counselor.
Interrupted Enrollment
Interrupted enrollment means taking time off after completing coursework through Chapman University. As a student, note that you:
- Can take interrupted enrollment after completing a full term at Chapman.
- May take up to four consecutive semesters of interrupted enrollment.
- May take a limited number of classes for college credit while on interrupted enrollment. (Our Academic Advising Office can assist with course planning to help ensure classes will transfer back to Chapman.)
More information on interrupted enrollment is available here. While students don’t need to notify campus about interrupted enrollment, we highly recommend letting necessary campus partners know for convenience. This may include the Registrar’s Office, Residence Life, Financial Aid, etc.
Talking Through Your Options
It’s important to know what options you’re eligible for and how to pursue the most appropriate pathway for you — that’s why we’re here! Reach out to your Admission Counselor with any questions or concerns.