Schmid Gate at Chapman University
Chapman University


Need help finding the right person or department to answer your question? Please view our various Chapman directories and resources to find information.

Faculty Directory

A searchable database of all full-time, adjunct and emeriti faculty at Chapman University. You can find a specific person by name, or get a listing of all faculty in a given school, college or department.

A-Z listing

An alphabetically organized page listing key departments at Chapman University that may be useful in getting you quickly to right place on our website.

Phone Directory

A searchable database of all employees (staff, faculty or administration) and can be used to locate someone by name or the department in which they work. However this is a secured resource for current Chapman students, staff and faculty and requires a network account to access it.

Campus Services

A listing of all Chapman University services offered including Public Safety, IS&T, Parking and Transportation, Conference Services and more.

Maps and Direction

Need directions or a quick snapshot of campus? Check out our interactive campus map with details on most locations throughout campus.

Campus Tools and Software for Faculty and Staff

Find a listing of common software used around campus for faculty and staff. 

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