»School of Communication Faculty Directory

Our faculty is renowned in their fields and distinguished by their excellence in teaching, research, and creative activity. Use this searchable directory to find faculty by name, department, or other key information found in their biography.

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30 Results

photo of Dr. Hannah Ball

Dr Hannah Ball

Assistant Professor
Communication Studies
School of Communication

Dr Travis Bartosh

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Dr. Arleen Bejerano

Dr Arleen Bejerano

Associate Professor
Communication Studies
School of Communication
Dr Jennifer Bevan

Dr Jennifer Bevan

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Dr Erik Brooks

Dr Erik Brooks

Assistant Professor
Communication Studies
School of Communication
Dr Tess Buckley

Dr Tess Buckley

Assistant Professor
Communication Studies
School of Communication
Jeffrey Compangano

Jeffrey Compangano

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Lawrence Deutchman

Lawrence Deutchman

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Rebecca Forster

Dr Rebecca Forster

Associate Professor
Communication Studies
School of Communication
Dr Mark Hopson

Dr Mark Hopson

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Dr Sophie Janicke-Bowles

Dr Sophie Janicke-Bowles

Associate Professor
Communication Studies
School of Communication
Dr Wenshan Jia

Dr Wenshan Jia

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Dr Vikki Katz

Dr Vikki Katz

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Joel Kotkin

Joel Kotkin

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Dr Cailin Kuchenbecker

Dr Cailin Kuchenbecker

Assistant Professor
Communication Studies
School of Communication
Dr Sara LaBelle

Dr Sara LaBelle

Associate Professor
Communication Studies
School of Communication
Dr. Gabriel Miao Li

Dr Gabriel Miao Li

Assistant Professor
Communication Studies
School of Communication
Noel McGuire

Noel McGuire

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Dr. Michelle Miller-Day

Dr Michelle Miller-Day

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Niccole Nichols

Niccole Nichols

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Brianna Pham

Brianna Pham

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Matthew Prince

Matthew Prince

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Amy Rogeness

Amy Rogeness

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Dr Ian Romain

Dr Ian Romain

Assistant Professor
World Languages and Cultures; Communication Studies
Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
School of Communication
Michael Ross

Michael Ross

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Griffin Runnels

Griffin Runnels

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Dr Lisa Sparks

Dr Lisa Sparks

Health and Strategic Communication; Pharmacy; Health Sciences; Communication Studies
School of Communication
School of Pharmacy
Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences
School of Communication
Kara Udziela

Kara Udziela

Communication Studies
School of Communication
Andrea Weber

Dr Andrea Weber

Associate Professor
Communication Studies
School of Communication
Keith Weber

Dr Keith Weber

Communication Studies
School of Communication

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