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Info For
The phased retirement benefit is a voluntary program for tenured full-time faculty members who wish to ease their transaction into retirement while still receiving a percentage of their base pay.
Summary Plan Description
Official Plan Documents
Orange Campus:DeMille Hall 140Orange, CA 92866View Orange Campus Map
Rinker (Irvine) Campus:9401 Jeronimo Rd 170Irvine, CA 92618View Rinker Campus Map
Main Phone: (714) 997-6686
Hours of Operation: In-Person:8:00am - 12:00pm1:00pm - 5:00pmVirtual:8:00am - 5:00pm
401(a) Defined Employer Contributions
403(b) Employee Contributions
Financial Education and Guidance
ScholarShare 529
Phased Retirement - Faculty
Finance and Savings
Health Benefits
Life and Family
Wellness Benefits