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Risk Management & EH&S Training Courses

NOTE: To request enrollment in Risk Management and/or EH&S training courses, please fill out the Online Training Request Form.

You may request enrollment for up to 6 persons at a time, but please note that they will all be enrolled in the same course(s). If you have varying needs for different persons, please submit a separate form for each.

Online Training Request

The Chapman University offices of Risk Management (Risk) and Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) offer an array of online training courses thorough the LearnUpon system.  Courses may be taken if (1) required by your supervisor, (2) required by EH&S, or (3) on a voluntary basis due to personal interest.

You may request registration by marking those below courses that you want to take.  To do so, please complete the data fields, marking the courses for which you seek registration.  Please allow 1-3 business days for us to complete registration.  Risk will let you know by email as soon as your learners have been entered into the system. Once Risk completes your registration, each learner will receive an email from LearnUpon containing a link that will allow you to create your own account using your full Chapman email address. You will also be asked to change your password. Once an account is created, you will be able to log in and take the required courses; the courses will already be listed on your LearnUpon home page. If you do not find a course you requested, or need to be enrolled in any other courses, please let your supervisor or the Risk Management Office know.

If you have more than 6 learners, you may email risk@chapman.edu  a listing of the requested courses and an Excel Workbook with the full name and email address of the learner.  Also include the name and email of the Supervisor, who will receive status reports.