»Guest Author Spotlight



Is a writer and literature professor. She has participated in many lectures and has directed workshops in Argentina, Switzerland, Cuba, Venezuela, and the United States. Her poetry and fiction have garnered a number of awards, both in Argentina and abroad including: The Premio Emecé, the Premio Internacional de Novela Clarín, and the Premio Municipal de Novela.  Her non-fiction book In Search of the Language was recognized by La Fundación El Libro/Buenos Aires as the best book on education published between 2010 and 2011. In 2004, she was resident writer at Atlantic Center for the Arts. In 2012, she was in a writer-in residence program for a six months stay in Zurich. She has been invited as lecturer in Cuba, Venezuela, and the United States. In 2014, she was a writer in residence at both Akrai in Sicily, and by the Foundation Bogliasco. Her books include: Las cosas ocultas (Hidden Things)1996; Amigas mías (Friends of mine) Buenos Aires, Emecé, 2002, 2006; El lugar del padre (The Place of the Father) 2004;Combi (Minibus)Buenos Aires, Emecé, 2008.