• Side profile ink etching of Adam Smith's bust facing the Chapman University Seal
2019 International Adam Smith Society Conference

January 18-20, 2019

»Smith Institute to host 2019 IASS Conference

Logo: 2019 International Adam Smith Society, Southern California ConferenceThe Smith Institute for Political Economy and Philosophy is pleased to be hosting the 2019 meeting of the International Adam Smith Society at Chapman University's campus in Orange, California.

We've put together an exciting program featuring some of the world's leading Smith scholars. The program will include keynote lectures from Professors Vernon Smith and Fonna Forman.

Professor Smith is the 2002 Nobel Laureate in economics, author (with Dr. Bart Wilson) of the forthcoming book Humanomics: Moral Sentiments and the Wealth of Nations for the 21st Century, and a founding member of Chapman's Smith Institute. Professor Forman is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of California, San Diego, where she is the founding director of the Center on Global Justice. She is also editor of the Adam Smith Review and author of Adam Smith and the Circles of Sympathy.

In addition to the keynote lectures the program will also include approximately two dozen plenary sessions and several author meets critics sessions for recently published or forthcoming books.

The meeting will begin on the morning of Friday January 18th, and will conclude just before lunch on Sunday January 20th.


Participants are asked to please register for the meeting at the following link: IASS Registration

The cost is $30 for Smith Society members and $50 for non-members.

The registration fee includes invitations to a banquet which will be held on Friday evening as well as a reception which will be held on Saturday evening.

Participants are also strongly encouraged to join the Smith Society if they are not already members. Membership dues are quite modest and help the IASS support Smith scholarship through meetings like this as well the publication of the Adam Smith Review.


Hotel Accomodations

A room block has been arranged for meeting participants at the ALO hotel that is conveniently located a few miles from campus. Details, including a link to the online booking portal, can be found below:

Adam Smith Society at ALO Hotel
January 17-20, 2019

Special Conference Rate of $119.00 per night plus 10.195% occupancy tax in Deluxe Guestroom

ALO Hotel – 3737 W. Chapman Avenue, Orange CA 92868 / www.ALOHotelOrange.com

Group rates include complimentary full American buffet breakfast, on-site parking, WiFi access throughout the hotel and conference shuttle to/from Chapman University. Both hotels offer heated outdoor pool and spa, fitness center and business center. Walking distance to Anepalco Restaurant, Starbucks, Wendy’s, Quizno’s and The Outlets at Orange and 3 miles to Disneyland Resort and Downtown Disney.

Reservations Deadline: Monday, December 17, 2018

For Phone Reservations:  Please Call (714) 978-9168 and ask for the "Adam Smith Society" group rate.

For Online Reservations:  Please Visit https://www.ayreshotels.com/alo-hotel-by-ayres and follow the prompts.


Requests for further information can be directed to the conference organizers: chapmansmithconference@gmail.com