»Provost Norma Bouchard, Ph.D. Publications and Contributions

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Works in Progress

Umberto Eco: Cultural Interventions from the Archives of History: book monograph


Umberto Eco’s Alternative book cover The Politics of Culture and the Ambiguities of Interpretation: Umberto Eco’s Alternative, with an afterword by Umberto Eco, ed. (New York: Peter Lang, 1998).
Céline, Gadda, Beckett: Experimental Writers of the 1930s book cover Céline, Gadda, Beckett: Experimental Writers of the 1930s, with a preface by Stanley Gontarski (Florida University Press 2000).
Risorgimento in Modern Italian Culture: Revisiting the 19th century Past in History book cover Risorgimento in Modern Italian Culture: Revisiting the 19th century Past in History, Narrative, and Cinema, ed. (Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005).  
Reading and Writing the Mediterranean: Essays by Vincenzo Consolo book cover Reading and Writing the Mediterranean: Essays by Vincenzo Consolo, ed. with M. Lollini (Toronto University Press, 2006). 
Italian Cultural Studies: Negotiating Regional, National and Global Identities book cover Italian Cultural Studies: Negotiating Regional, National and Global Identities, ed. Special issue of Annali d’Italianistica 24 (2006). 
Southern Thought and Other Essays on the Mediterranean book cover Southern Thought and Other Essays on the Mediterranean, with V. Ferme (Fordham University Press, 2011; Race & Ethnic Studies series); co-translated, edited and annotated.
Italy @ 150: National Discourse at the Sesquicentennial (1861-2011) book cover Italy @ 150: National Discourse at the Sesquicentennial (1861-2011); guest-editor for special issue of Italian Culture XXX.1 (2012).
Italy and the Mediterranean: Words, Sounds, and Images of the Post-Cold War Era book cover Italy and the Mediterranean: Words, Sounds, and Images of the Post-Cold War Era, with V. Ferme (co-authored monograph, Palgrave MacMillan, 2013).
From Otium and Occupatio to Work and Labor in Italian Culture book cover From Otium and Occupatio to Work and Labor in Italian Culture, co-ed. for Annali d’Italianistica 23 (2014)
Mussolini’s Camps: Civilian Internment in Fascist Italy book cover Mussolini’s Camps: Civilian Internment in Fascist Italy (1940-1943): co-translated and co-edited; (Routledge, 2020)
Mussolini’s Camps: Civilian Internment in Fascist Italy book cover.png Nation(s) and Translation: special issue of Annali d’Italianistica 38 (2020)

Journal Editorships

Annali d’Italianistica (UNC, Chapel Hill), co-Editor: 2011

Italica (2013 -  ) Associate Editor for Cultural and Media Studies

Italian Culture (Maney Publishing: bi-annual): 2008-2013  
(Book Review Editor)
  • vol. XXVII.2 (2009): 129-154
  • vol. XXVIII.1 (2010):  68-87
  • vol. XXVIII.2 (2010):  131-156
  • vol. XXIX.1 (2011):   68-93
  • vol. XXIX.2 (2011): 139-156
  • vol. XXX. 1 (2012): 76-96
  • vol. XXX.2 (2012): 139-156
  • vol. XXXI.1 (2013): 47-74
  • vol. XXXI.2 (2013): 128-147
  • vol. XXXII.1 (2014): 5-77
  • vol. XXXII.2 (2014): 138-160
  • vol. XXXIII.1 (2015): 57-61
Italica (2004-2009)
(Associate Editor for Yearly Bibliography of Italian Studies in North America)
  • vol.: 81.2 (Summer 2004): 255-289
  • vol.: 82.2 (Summer 2005): 270-325
  • vol.  83.3 (Fall 2006): 763-797
  • vol.  83.3 & 4 (Fall 2007/2008): 741-775
Italian Culture (Michigan University Press): 2003-2008
(Book Review Editor)
  • vol.: XXI   (2003): 177-220
  • vol.: XXII  (2004): 157-202
  • vol.  XXIII (2005): 167-222
  • vol.  XXIV (2006/07): 195-265
  • vol.  XXV (2008): 145-200
(Awarded 2006 Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial Achievement by CEJL, Council of Editors of Learned Journals; named Maney’s Journal of the Month (Spring 2013)

Chapters in Books and Articles

“Critifictional Epistemes in Contemporary Literature: The Case of Foucault's Pendulum,”Comparative Literature Studies 32 (1995): 50-67.

Umberto Eco’s L’Isola del giorno prima: Postmodern Theory, Fictional Praxis,” Italica 72 (1995): 193-208.

“Whose ‘Excess of Wonder’ Is It Anyway?  Reading the Tangle of Hermetic and Pragmatic Semiosis in The Island of The Day Before,” A Pretext to Literary Semiotics, Rocco Capozzi ed. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997) 350-361.

“Rereading Beckett's Dream of Fair to Middling Women,” Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui 6 (1997): 137-147.

Film in Context(s),” Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui 17 (1998): 121-135.

“Beckett: Reader of Leopardi,” Italian Culture, vol. XVII, 2 (2000): 77-89.

“Writing for the Third Millennium: C.E. Gadda and the Unfinalizability of Life,” Annali d’Italianistica 18 (2000): 277-292.

“Critical vs. Fatal Cultural Theory: Umberto Eco Contra Jean Baudrillard,” RLA XI (2001): 1-9.

“Consolo, Lévinas, and the Ethics of Postmodernist Storytelling,” Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 119-136.

“The Phenomenon Bocelli: Rethinking Italian Cultural Identity,” Italian Cultural Studies, Graziella Parati and Ben Lawton, eds. (Bordighera Press, 2001) 158-171.

“(Re)considering Gadda and Futurism,” Italica 79/1 (Spring 2002): 38-57.

“Language and Italian National Identity: From the Liberal State to the First Republic and Beyond,” Geolinguistics 30 (2004): 109-119.

“Introduction: Risorgimento as an Unfinished Story,” Risorgimento in Modern Italian Culture: Revisiting the 19th century Past in History, Narrative, and Cinema (Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005) 9-22.

Risorgimento as Fragmented Body-Politics: The Case of Anna Banti's Noi Credevamo,” Risorgimento in Modern Italian Culture: Revisiting the 19th century Past in History, Narrative, and Cinema (Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005) 117-132.

“Reopening the Risorgimento Archive: Spectrality and Utopia in Antonio Tabucchi's Piazza d'Italia,” Risorgimento in Modern Italian Culture: Revisiting the 19th century Past in History, Narrative, and Cinema (Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005) 174-191.   

“Critical versus Fatal Cultural Theory: Umberto Eco contra Jean Baudrillard,” Umberto EcoSage Masters in Modern Social Thought Series. Ed. Mike Gane and Nicholas Gane, London, U.K.: Sage Publications (2005) 2-16 (rpt.).

“Critifictional Epistemes in Contemporary Literature: The Case of Foucault's Pendulum,” Umberto Eco. Sage Masters in Modern Social Thought Series. Ed. Mike Gane and Nicholas Gane, London, U.K.: Sage Publications (2005) 69-82 (rpt.)

“Umberto Eco's L'isola del giorno prima: Postmodern Theory and Fictional Praxis,” Umberto Eco. Sage Masters in Modern Social Thought Series. Ed. Mike Gane and Nicholas Gane, London, U.K.: Sage Publications (2005) 103-118 (rpt.). 

“Vincenzo Consolo and the Postmodern Writing of Melancholy,” Italica 82/1 (2005): 1-23.

“’Italia ‘61’: The Commemorations for the Centenary of Unification in the First Capital of the Italian State,” Romance Studies 23.2 (2005): 117-129.   

“Postwar Politics of Gender and Migration in De Santis' Riso Amaro,” Italian Quarterly 165-166 (Fall 2005): 43-54.

“The Science of Literature: Revisiting Italy’s ‘Structuralist Equation’,” Annali d'Italianistica 23 (2005): 147-161.

“Vincenzo Consolo and His Mediterranean Paradigm,” with M. Lollini, Reading and Writing the Mediterranean: Essays by Vincenzo Consolo (Toronto University Press, 2006): 3-48.

“Disincanto e utopia nella narrativa di Antonio Tabucchi e Vincenzo Consolo,” Nuova Prosa 44. Special issue "La letteratura italiana vista dall'America" ed. Luigi Grazioli and Alessandro Carrera (2006): 205-222. 

“Writing Historical Trauma: Representations of Risorgimento in Verga, Pirandello, Lampedusa, and Consolo,” L’Europa che finisce e che comincia: La Sicilia, ed. Dagmar Reichardt. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2006. 75-84. 

Cristo en cemento de Pietro Di Donato: un clásico de la literatura ítalo-americana,” Quimera 272 (June 2006): 26-31.

“Recovering Samuel Beckett’s Italian Translations of Raffaello Franchi, Giovanni Comisso, and Eugenio Montale,” Journal of Beckett Studies 15.1.2 (2006): 1-15.

“Negotiating Italian Identities,” Annali d’Italianistica 24 (2006): 11-17. 

“Robert Dombroski’s Perspective on Sicilian Literature and Culture: Charting a ‘Work in Progress,’ Special Issue: From Paradox to Parable. Essays in Memory of Robert S. Dombroski, Italiana XII (2007): 28-44.

“Introducing Robert Dombroski’s ‘Consolo’s Baroque Ruins’ and ‘Storia letteraria e interpretazione,’ Special Issue: From Paradox to Parable. Essays in Memory of Robert S. Dombroski, Italiana XII (2007): 99-122.

“Bernardo Bertolucci’s La strategia del ragno: Historicizing Oedipus at the Dawn of Italy’s ‘strategia della tensione’,” Forum Italicum 40.2 (Fall 2007): 1-19.

“Mediterranean Neo-Humanism: Texts and Contexts of pensiero meridiano,” Annali d’Italianistica 26 (2008): 1-21.  

“Rewriting the Historical Novel on the Risorgimento in Light of Woman’s History: Gender and Nation in Vincenzo Consolo’s Il sorriso dell’ignoto marinaio,” Italica  85 2/3 (2009): 226-242. 

“Umberto Eco and Popular Culture: From Kitsch to Postmodernism?,” New Essay on Umberto Eco. Ed. Peter Bondanella (Cambridge University Press, 2009) 1-16.

“All’ombra di Joyce: Beckett saggista ipocrita? Per una riconsiderazione di ‘Dante … Bruno . Vico.. Joyce,’” Samuel Beckett: Fallire ancora, fallire meglio, ed. Sandro Montalto. Novi Ligure: Joker, 2009. 34-44.  

“Ethnicity and the Classical Gangster Film”, Mafia Movies, ed. Dana Renga. Toronto University Press (2011) 68-75.

“Between Postmodern Parody and Generic Hybridization: The Gangsters of Brian De Palma’s The Untouchables,” Mafia Movies, ed. Dana Renga. Toronto University Press (2011) 126-133.

“Italy and Its Invaders”, Forum Italicum 44.2 (Spring 2010): 550-558.  

“Reading the Discourse of Multicultural Italy: Promises and Challenges of Transnational Italy in an Era of Global Migration,” Italian Culture XXVIII (2010.2): 104-121.

“Screening the Silent Film: Reginald Barker’s The Italian and the Resurgence of American Nativism,” Italian Cultures of Migration, ed. Graziella Parati and Anthony Tamburri (Farleigh Dickinson UP, 2011) 9-21.

“Postcolonial Re-writings of Carlo Emilio Gadda’s Life and Works: The Case of Enrique Butti’s Indì,” Edinburgh Journal of Gadda Studies 9, Decennial Special Edition 7/2011 (9077 words; 26 print).

“Italy’s Geophilosophies of the Mediterranean,” Annali d’Italianistica 29. Special issue on Italian Critical Theory (2011) 343-362.

“’Which and Whose Italies?’ Responding to Paul Ginsborg’s Salviamo l’Italia,” California Studies 3.2  (Fall 2012) 1-8.  

“Answering the Summons of the “Other”: Reading Migrant and Postcolonial Italy with Emmanuel Lévinas,” Emmanuel Lévinas and Twentieth Century Literature, ed. Donald Wehrs (Delaware UP, 2013) 289-314.  

“In the Palus Putredinis of Italy’s Bourgeois Domesticity: Edoardo Sanguineti’s Capriccio Italiano:  From Textual Representation to Critical Practice,” Edoardo Sanguineti: Critical Perspectives, ed. Paolo Chirumbolo and John Picchione (Oxford: Legenda, 2012) 129-142.   

“Oltre la tradizione del romanzo storico ad argomento risorgimentale: la riscrittura di donna e nazione ne Il sorriso dell’ignoto marinaio di Vincenzo Consolo,” Forum Italicum 47.1 (2013): 1-16.

“Uncovering Giovanni Verga’s Post-colonial Consciousness: From Vita dei campi to I Malavoglia,” Verga Innovatore – Proactive Verga, ed. Dagmar Reichardt and Joseph Farrell (Firenze: Franco Cesati editore, 2013) 1-13.

“Incisività culturale del romanzo a ipotesi di Umberto Eco,” Calvino & Eco: Relazioni rizomatiche, ed. Rocco Capozzi (Milano: Federico Motta Editore, 2013) 128-148; 280-385.

“Recovering Samuel Beckett’s Italian Translations of Raffaello Franchi, Giovanni Comisso, and Eugenio Montale,” The Beckett Critical Reader: Archives, Theories, and Translations, ed. Stan E. Gontarski, Edinburgh UP, 2012, 152-167 (rpt. with minor edits).  

“Creative Tensions: Evolution and Involution in Eco’s Aesthetics Theory and Fictional Practice” Parol: quaderni d’arte e di epistemologia 14 (2013): 119-133

“European Cities Dream the ‘Great Sea’: Discourses on the Mediterranean and their Reception in the Arab and Islamic World,” Mediterranean Review 7.2 (2014): 53-82.  

“From Sicily to the Global South(s): Vincenzo Consolo and the Mediterranean,” Sicily and the Mediterranean: Migration, Exchange, Reinvention, ed. Summerfield and Karagoz, Palgrave MacMillan, 2015, 195-215.

“Consolo, Lévinas, and the Ethics of Postmodernist Storytelling,” Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol. 371 (2015): 119-128 (rpt.)

“Vincenzo Consolo and the Postmodern Writing of Melancholy,” CLC: Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol. 371 (2015): 144-154 (rpt.)

“Vincenzo Consolo and His Mediterranean Paradigm,” with M. Lollini, CLC: Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol. 371 (2015): 177-197 (rpt.)

Writing the Mediterraneity of the Italian South,” with V. Ferme, CLC: Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol. 371 (2015): 222-247 (rpt.)

“Fighting Cosa Nostra with the Camera’s Eye: Letizia Battaglia’s Evolving Icons of ‘Traumatic Realism,’” Italian Women at War, ed. Susan Amatangelo, Farleigh Dickinson UP, 2016, 165-179.

“Umberto Eco’s Semiotic Imaginary”, with a response by Umberto Eco The Library of Living Philosophers, Open Court, 2016, 533-559.   

“Colonial Legacies and Postcolonial Interruptions,” ISSA 31.1 (2018): 25-59.

“Nation(s) and Translation in Italian Literary and Cultural History”, Annali d’Italianistica 38 (2020): 1-17.

Encyclopedia/Dictionary Entries, Miscellaneous Publications

Quaderni del carcere” (Prison Notebooks), The Encyclopedia of Italian Literary Studies, ed. Gaetana Marrone and Paolo Puppa, (Routledge, 2006): 891-893.

“Giuseppe Mazzini 1805-1872,” The Encyclopedia of Italian Literary Studies, ed. Gaetana Marrone and Paolo Puppa (Routledge, 2006): 1174-1176. 

“Umberto Eco’s Semiotics,” The Encyclopedia of Europe: 1914-2004, ed. John Merriman and Jay Winter, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons (2006).

“Antonio Gramsci 1891-1937,” The Encyclopedia of Italian Literary Studies, ed. Gaetana Marrone and Paolo Puppa (Routledge, 2006): 887-891.

“Risorgimento,” The Encyclopedia of Italian Literary Studies, ed. Gaetana Marrone and Paolo Puppa (Routledge, 2006): 1588-1593. 

“Vincenzo Consolo” http://www.litencyc.com.  

“Carlo Emilio Gadda” http://www.litencyc.com

“Italy @ 150. National Discourse at the Sesquicentennial (1861-2011)” Italian Culture XXX.1 (2012) 3-6.

“Franco Cassano’s Southern Thought: A Roundtable Discussion”, California Italian Studies 4.3 (2013): 7-9. http://escholarship.org/uc/item/1wz6n8z1#page-35

“Silvio Mastrodascio,” Silvio Mastrodascio. Il soffio vitale della materia. Breathing Life into Matter (Edizioni Centro Stauros Controguerra, 2015): 15-20.

Short Translations

Eco, Umberto, “How and Why I Write,” The Politics of Culture and the Ambiguities of Interpretation: Umberto Eco's Alternative, with an afterword by Umberto Eco, ed. (New York: Peter Lang, 1998) 283-303.

Ceserani, Remo, “Eco’s (Post)modernist Fictions,” The Politics of Culture and the Ambiguities of Interpretation: Umberto Eco’s Alternative, with an afterword by Umberto Eco, ed. (New York: Peter Lang, 1998) 149-63.

Violi, Patrizia, “Individual and Communal Encyclopedias,” The Politics of Culture and the Ambiguities of Interpretation: Umberto Eco’s Alternative, with an afterword by Umberto Eco, ed. (New York: Peter Lang, 1998) 25-38.

Rebaudengo, Maurizio, “Between Shelves and Columns,” The Politics of Culture and the Ambiguities of Interpretation: Umberto Eco’s Alternative, with an afterword by Umberto Eco, ed. (New York: Peter Lang, 1998) 225-240.

Vincenzo Consolo, “Risorgimento and Literature: the Post-Risorgimento Novel in Italy”, Italian Culture 21 (2003): 149-176.

Marco Cupolo, “Tomasi di Lampedusa's Il Gattopardo and Post War Italian Political Culture,” Risorgimento in Modern Italian Culture:Revisiting the 19th century Past in History, Narrative, and Cinema (Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005) 57-72.     

Fulvio Orsitto, “Unification in Post War Italian Cinema, Risorgimento in Modern Italian Culture,” Revisiting the 19th century Past in History, Narrative, and Cinema (Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005) 241-258.  

Vincenzo Consolo, “The International Parliament of Writers: Journey to Israel/Palestine,” Reading and Writing the Mediterranean (Toronto University Press, 2006) 104-109.

Vincenzo Consolo, “The Disappearance of the Fireflies,” Reading and Writing the Mediterranean (Toronto University Press, 2006) 277-284.

Vincenzo Consolo “The Smile, Twenty Years Later,” Reading and Writing the Mediterranean (Toronto University Press, 2006) 285-291.

Review Articles

Albert Sbragia, C.E Gadda and the Modern Macaronic, Italica 74 (1997): 438-440.

Benedetti, Hairston, and Ross eds. Gendered Contexts: New Perspectives in Italian Cultural Studies, Italica 75 (1998): 253-254.

Anthony J. Tamburri, A Semiotics of Ethnicity, Annali d’Italianistica 17 (1999): 293-295.

Margaret Brose, Leopardi sublime, Annali d’Italianistica 17 (1999): 346-348.

S.C. Wright, La poetica neobarocca in Calvino, Annali d’Italianistica 17 (1999): 368-370.

Mario Moroni, La presenza complessa, Annali d’Italianistica 17 (1999): 387-389.

Robert Dombroski, Creative Entanglements: Gadda and the Baroque, Italian Culture XVIII, 1 (2000): 191-193.

Philip V. Cannistraro, Blackshirts in Little Italy, Annali d'Italianistica 18 (2000): 523-525.

Michael Caesar, Umberto Eco: Philosophy, Semiotics and the Work of Fiction, Modern Fiction Studies 47.2 (2001): 528-530.

Roberto Dainotto, Place in Literature: Regions, Cultures, Communities, Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 389-390.

Verina Jones and Laura Lepschy eds., With a Pen in Her Hand: Women Writing in Italy in the Nineteenth Century and Beyond, Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 386-388.

Rebecca, West, Gianni Celati: The Craft of Everyday Storytelling, Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 401-404.

Stephen Gundle, Between Hollywood and Moscow. The Italian Communists and the Challenge of Mass Culture, 1943-1991,  Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 390-393. 

Rebecca West, ed. Pagina Pellicola Pratica:  Studi sul cinema italiano, Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 417-420.

Massimo Lollini, Il vuoto della forma: scrittura, testimonianza e verità, Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 335-338.

Juliann Vitullo, The Chivalric Epic in Medieval Italy,  Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 357-359.

François Orsini, Pirandello e l'Europa, Italica 79/3 (2002): 427-29.

Joseph Tusiani, Ethnicity: Selected Poems, Annali d’Italianistica 20 (2002): 565-567.

Albert Russell Ascoli, and Krystyna von Henneberg eds., Making and Remaking Italy: The Cultivation of National Identity around the Risorgimento, Annali d'Italianistica 20 (2002): 511-514.

Gaetana Marrone, The Gaze and the Labyrinth: The Cinema of Liliana Cavani, Journal of Modern Italian Studies 7/2 (2002): 319-322.

Vincent F. Rocchio, Cinema of Anxiety: A Psychoanalysis of Italian Neorealism, Journal of Modern Italian Studies 7/2 (2002): 322-325.

Anita Piemonti, and Marina Polacco eds., Sogni di carta, ed. Italica 79/4 (2002): 572-574.

Anna Camaiti Hostert, and Anthony Julian Tamburri eds., Screening Ethnicity: Cinematographic Representations of Italian Americans in the United States, Italica 80/2 (2003): 269-271.

Franco Zangrilli, La Ciociaria tra letteratura e cinema, Annali d'Italianistica 21 (2003): 566-569.

Maria Sechi, Giovanna Santoro, and Maria Antonietta Santoro eds., L'ombra lunga dell'esilio, Annali d'Italianistica 21 (2003): 569-571.

Jennifer Margaret Fraser, Rite of Passage in the Narratives of Dante and Joyce, Annali d'Italianistica 21 (2003): 534-536.

AA.VV. Eco in Fabula, Annali d'Italianistica 22 (2004): 518-520.    

Peter Bondanella, Hollywood Italians: Dagos, Palookas, Romeos, Wise Guys, and Sopranos, Annali d'Italianistica, 22 (2004): 537-540.

Peter Bondanella and Andrea Ciccarelli eds., The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Novel, Annali d'Italianistica 22 (2004): 540-543.

Cristina Farronato, Eco's Chaosmos: From the Middle Ages to Postmodernity, Italica  82.2 (Summer 2005): 267-269. 

John Picchione, The New Avant-Garde in Italy. Theoretical Debates and Poetic Practices, Annali d’Italianistica 23 (2005): 307-309.

Romano Luperini, La fine del postmoderno, Annali d’Italianistica 24 (2006): 439-440.

Margherita Ganeri, L’Europa in Sicilia, Annali d’Italianistica 24 (2006): 459-461.

Roberto Dainotto, Europe (In Theory), Annali d’Italianistica 25 (2007): 544-546.

Marina Paino, Dicerie dell’autore. Temi e forme della scrittura di Bufalino, Annali d’Italianistica 25 (2007): 516-518.

Irene Romera Pinto, ed. Lunaria vent’anni dopo, Annali d’Italianistica 25 (2007): 525-526.

Dominique Budor, ed. Vincenzo Consolo: éthique et écriture, Annali d’Italianistica 25 (2007): 513-514.

Ian Chambers, Mediterranean Crossings, Annali d’Italianistica 26 (2008): 427-429.   

Karla Mallette, The Kingdom of Sicily, 1100-1250, Forum Italicum 42.2 (2008): 422-423.

Carlo Celli and Marga Cottino-Jones, A New Guide to Italian Cinema, Annali d’Italianistica 26 (2008): 537-540.   

Aliza Wong, Race and Nation in Liberal Italy: 1861-1911, Annali d’Italianistica 26 (2008): 579-581.  

Ariella Lang, Converting a Nation. A Modern Inquisition and the Unification of Italy, Italica 86.4 (2009): 753-755.

AA.VV. Italian Identities at large. Studi d’Italianistica nell’Africa Australe, Annali d’Italianistica 28 (2010): 475-477.

Federica Pedriali, Altre carceri d'invenzione: Studi gaddiani, Modern Language Review 105.4 (2010): 475-477

Lina Insana, Arduous Tasks: Primo Levi, Translation, and the Transmission of Holocaust Testimony, Italica 87.3 (Autumn 2010): 518-520.

Flavia Laviosa, Visions of Struggle in Women’s Filmmaking in the Mediterranean, Italica 87.2 (Winter 2010): 319-321.

Raffaele Furno, Intra-cultural Theater: Performing the Life of Black Migrants to Italy, Annali d’Italianistica 29 (2011): 562-565.

Lucia Quaquarelli, Certi Confini. Sulla letteratura italiana dell’immigrazione, Annali d’Italianistica 29 (2011): 594-597.

Lucy Riall, Risorgimento. The History of Italy from Napoleon to Nation State, Italica 88. 4 (2012): 664-667.

Alan O’Leary, Tragedia all’Italiana. Italian Cinema and Italian Terrorism 1970-2010, Annali d’Italianistica 29 (2011): 582-585.

Thomas Simpson, Murder and Media in the new Rome. The Fadda Affair, Italica 89.3 (2012): 418-421. 

Pasquale Verdicchio, Looters, Photographers, and Thieves.  Aspects of Italian Photographic Culture in Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Annali d’Italianistica 30 (2012): 439-443.  

Alex Metcalfe, The Muslims of Medieval Italy, Annali d’Italianistica 30 (2012): 439-443. 

Rocco Paternostro, Letteratura italiana dell’emigrazione con antologia di testi, Italian Culture 31.1 (2013): 72-74.

Martino Marazzi, Voices of Italian America.  A History of Early Italian American Literature with a Critical Anthology, Journal of Modern Italian Studies 18.3 (2013): 379-381

Lucy Riall and Silvana Patriarca, eds. The Risorgimento Revisited. Nationalism and Culture in Nineteenth Century Italy, Italica 90.2 (Summer 2013) 300-304 

Robert Gordon, The Holocaust in Italian Culture 1944-2010, Shofar. Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 32.3 (2014): 133-136.

Cristina Lombardi-Diop and Caterina Romeo, Postcolonial Italy, Annali d’Italianistica (2014): 710-713.

Gaia Giuliani and Cristina Lombardi-Diop, Bianco e nero. L’identità razziale degli italiani, Annali d’Italianistica (2014): 549-551.

Nir Arielli, Fascist Italy and the Middle East, Annali d’Italianistica 3 (2015): 476-478.  

Paola Bonifazio, Schooling in Modernity. The Politics of Sponsored Films in Postwar Italy, Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies 5.1, 2017, 111-114. 

Invited Lectureship, Talks, Keynotes, and Seminars

“Rethinking Italian Cultural Identity,” Fordham University, 12/2/2000 (invited talk)

“Cultural Studies and Operatic Crossovers,” Central Connecticut SU, 2/10/2000 (invited talk)

“Developments in Cultural Theory,” Indiana University, 10/12/2000 (invited talk)

“Umberto Eco and the (Real)ization of the Hyper-real,” CUNY Graduate School, 2/14/2001 (invited talk)

“Umberto Eco and Postmodernity: A Seminar,” University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, P.R.,  2/2002 (invited talk)

“Umberto Eco's Fictions: From The Rose to Baudolino,” McGill University, 1/13/2003 (invited talk)

“The Italian Immigration to the United States: From the pre- to the post-Unification Eras,” Central Connecticut SU/Università di Messina, 7/5/2004 (invited talk)

“Italian Americans in Old and New Hollywood Cinema,” Central Connecticut SU/Università di Messina, 7/9/2004 (invited talk)

MLA Radio Show: “Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose,” Library series, www.WBGO.org, 11/2007 (invited public radio talk)

“Mediterranean Studies in the Age of Globalization: The Case of Italy,” Connecticut College, 4/17/2008 (invited talk)

“Esposito Inaugural Visiting Faculty Fellowship in Italian-American Culture and History,” University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, 3/24-3/27, 2009 (invited talks series)

“Migrations and Transnational Identities: Crossing Borders, Bridging Disciplines,” Humanities Institute at SUNY, Stony Brook and Alphonse D’Amato Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies,” SUNY, November 12-13, 2009 (invited talk series)

“Transnational Italy in an Era of Global Migration,” Dis/Placing Boundaries in the Romance World, University of Oregon, Eugene, 12/19-20, 2010 (conference Keynote Address)

“Revisiting the Mediterranean: Mediterranean Studies Today,” Mediterranean Encounters, University of Colorado, Boulder, 4/15-16, 2011 (conference Keynote Address)

“1861-2011: An Occasion to Rethink the Failure of the Italian Nation?.” Italy/Italies Today, University of New Hampshire, Durham, 3/29-4/1, 2011 (invited talk)

“Remembering Transculturality,“ Transcultural Italy, California State University, 11/7-8, 2011 (conference Keynote Address)

“Umberto Eco’s Semiotic Imagination and the Writing of the Historical Novel,” Brock University, CA, 4/2/2013 (invited talk)

“Italian Studies Beyond the Nation?: Italy and the Mediterranean in the Contemporary Scholarly Inquiry and Creative Imaginary,” University of Chicago, 5/14, 2014 (invited talk)

“Transformed Epistemologies of the Mediterranean? The Case of Contemporary Italy,” University of Texas, Austin, 11/14, 2014 (invited talk)

Emilio Goggio Visiting Chair of Italian Studies, University of Toronto (2015; declined)

“Nation(s) and Translations,” Regional Identities on a Global Scale: Translation, Audience, Reception, 3/31-4/2, 2016, University of British Columbia (invited talk)

“Colonial Legacies and Post-Colonial Interruptions,” 8/10, 2017, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa (conference Keynote Address)

“Italian Mediterraneans”, 12/4/2020, University of London, UK (invited talk; declined)   

Gadda (Oxford); accepted