»Provost Norma Bouchard, Ph.D. Publications and Contributions
Works in Progress
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The Politics of Culture and the Ambiguities of Interpretation: Umberto Eco’s Alternative, with an afterword by Umberto Eco, ed. (New York: Peter Lang, 1998). |
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Céline, Gadda, Beckett: Experimental Writers of the 1930s, with a preface by Stanley Gontarski (Florida University Press 2000). |
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Risorgimento in Modern Italian Culture: Revisiting the 19th century Past in History, Narrative, and Cinema, ed. (Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005). |
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Reading and Writing the Mediterranean: Essays by Vincenzo Consolo, ed. with M. Lollini (Toronto University Press, 2006). |
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Italian Cultural Studies: Negotiating Regional, National and Global Identities, ed. Special issue of Annali d’Italianistica 24 (2006). |
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Southern Thought and Other Essays on the Mediterranean, with V. Ferme (Fordham University Press, 2011; Race & Ethnic Studies series); co-translated, edited and annotated. |
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Italy @ 150: National Discourse at the Sesquicentennial (1861-2011); guest-editor for special issue of Italian Culture XXX.1 (2012). |
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Italy and the Mediterranean: Words, Sounds, and Images of the Post-Cold War Era, with V. Ferme (co-authored monograph, Palgrave MacMillan, 2013). |
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From Otium and Occupatio to Work and Labor in Italian Culture, co-ed. for Annali d’Italianistica 23 (2014) |
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Mussolini’s Camps: Civilian Internment in Fascist Italy (1940-1943): co-translated and co-edited; (Routledge, 2020) |
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Nation(s) and Translation: special issue of Annali d’Italianistica 38 (2020) |
Journal Editorships
Italica (2013 - ) Associate Editor for Cultural and Media Studies
Italian Culture (Maney Publishing: bi-annual): 2008-2013
(Book Review Editor)
- vol. XXVII.2 (2009): 129-154
- vol. XXVIII.1 (2010): 68-87
- vol. XXVIII.2 (2010): 131-156
- vol. XXIX.1 (2011): 68-93
- vol. XXIX.2 (2011): 139-156
- vol. XXX. 1 (2012): 76-96
- vol. XXX.2 (2012): 139-156
- vol. XXXI.1 (2013): 47-74
- vol. XXXI.2 (2013): 128-147
- vol. XXXII.1 (2014): 5-77
- vol. XXXII.2 (2014): 138-160
- vol. XXXIII.1 (2015): 57-61
(Associate Editor for Yearly Bibliography of Italian Studies in North America)
- vol.: 81.2 (Summer 2004): 255-289
- vol.: 82.2 (Summer 2005): 270-325
- vol. 83.3 (Fall 2006): 763-797
- vol. 83.3 & 4 (Fall 2007/2008): 741-775
(Book Review Editor)
- vol.: XXI (2003): 177-220
- vol.: XXII (2004): 157-202
- vol. XXIII (2005): 167-222
- vol. XXIV (2006/07): 195-265
- vol. XXV (2008): 145-200
(Awarded 2006 Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial Achievement by CEJL, Council of Editors of Learned Journals; named Maney’s Journal of the Month (Spring 2013)
Chapters in Books and Articles
“Umberto Eco’s L’Isola del giorno prima: Postmodern Theory, Fictional Praxis,” Italica 72 (1995): 193-208.
“Whose ‘Excess of Wonder’ Is It Anyway? Reading the Tangle of Hermetic and Pragmatic Semiosis in The Island of The Day Before,” A Pretext to Literary Semiotics, Rocco Capozzi ed. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997) 350-361.
“Rereading Beckett's Dream of Fair to Middling Women,” Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui 6 (1997): 137-147.
“Film in Context(s),” Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui 17 (1998): 121-135.
“Beckett: Reader of Leopardi,” Italian Culture, vol. XVII, 2 (2000): 77-89.
“Writing for the Third Millennium: C.E. Gadda and the Unfinalizability of Life,” Annali d’Italianistica 18 (2000): 277-292.
“Critical vs. Fatal Cultural Theory: Umberto Eco Contra Jean Baudrillard,” RLA XI (2001): 1-9.
“Consolo, Lévinas, and the Ethics of Postmodernist Storytelling,” Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 119-136.
“The Phenomenon Bocelli: Rethinking Italian Cultural Identity,” Italian Cultural Studies, Graziella Parati and Ben Lawton, eds. (Bordighera Press, 2001) 158-171.
“(Re)considering Gadda and Futurism,” Italica 79/1 (Spring 2002): 38-57.
“Language and Italian National Identity: From the Liberal State to the First Republic and Beyond,” Geolinguistics 30 (2004): 109-119.
“Introduction: Risorgimento as an Unfinished Story,” Risorgimento in Modern Italian Culture: Revisiting the 19th century Past in History, Narrative, and Cinema (Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005) 9-22.
“Risorgimento as Fragmented Body-Politics: The Case of Anna Banti's Noi Credevamo,” Risorgimento in Modern Italian Culture: Revisiting the 19th century Past in History, Narrative, and Cinema (Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005) 117-132.
“Reopening the Risorgimento Archive: Spectrality and Utopia in Antonio Tabucchi's Piazza d'Italia,” Risorgimento in Modern Italian Culture: Revisiting the 19th century Past in History, Narrative, and Cinema (Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005) 174-191.
“Critical versus Fatal Cultural Theory: Umberto Eco contra Jean Baudrillard,” Umberto Eco. Sage Masters in Modern Social Thought Series. Ed. Mike Gane and Nicholas Gane, London, U.K.: Sage Publications (2005) 2-16 (rpt.).
“Critifictional Epistemes in Contemporary Literature: The Case of Foucault's Pendulum,” Umberto Eco. Sage Masters in Modern Social Thought Series. Ed. Mike Gane and Nicholas Gane, London, U.K.: Sage Publications (2005) 69-82 (rpt.)
“Umberto Eco's L'isola del giorno prima: Postmodern Theory and Fictional Praxis,” Umberto Eco. Sage Masters in Modern Social Thought Series. Ed. Mike Gane and Nicholas Gane, London, U.K.: Sage Publications (2005) 103-118 (rpt.).
“Vincenzo Consolo and the Postmodern Writing of Melancholy,” Italica 82/1 (2005): 1-23.
“’Italia ‘61’: The Commemorations for the Centenary of Unification in the First Capital of the Italian State,” Romance Studies 23.2 (2005): 117-129.
“Postwar Politics of Gender and Migration in De Santis' Riso Amaro,” Italian Quarterly 165-166 (Fall 2005): 43-54.
“The Science of Literature: Revisiting Italy’s ‘Structuralist Equation’,” Annali d'Italianistica 23 (2005): 147-161.
“Vincenzo Consolo and His Mediterranean Paradigm,” with M. Lollini, Reading and Writing the Mediterranean: Essays by Vincenzo Consolo (Toronto University Press, 2006): 3-48.
“Disincanto e utopia nella narrativa di Antonio Tabucchi e Vincenzo Consolo,” Nuova Prosa 44. Special issue "La letteratura italiana vista dall'America" ed. Luigi Grazioli and Alessandro Carrera (2006): 205-222.
“Writing Historical Trauma: Representations of Risorgimento in Verga, Pirandello, Lampedusa, and Consolo,” L’Europa che finisce e che comincia: La Sicilia, ed. Dagmar Reichardt. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2006. 75-84.
“Cristo en cemento de Pietro Di Donato: un clásico de la literatura ítalo-americana,” Quimera 272 (June 2006): 26-31.
“Recovering Samuel Beckett’s Italian Translations of Raffaello Franchi, Giovanni Comisso, and Eugenio Montale,” Journal of Beckett Studies 15.1.2 (2006): 1-15.
“Negotiating Italian Identities,” Annali d’Italianistica 24 (2006): 11-17.
“Robert Dombroski’s Perspective on Sicilian Literature and Culture: Charting a ‘Work in Progress,’ Special Issue: From Paradox to Parable. Essays in Memory of Robert S. Dombroski, Italiana XII (2007): 28-44.
“Introducing Robert Dombroski’s ‘Consolo’s Baroque Ruins’ and ‘Storia letteraria e interpretazione,’ Special Issue: From Paradox to Parable. Essays in Memory of Robert S. Dombroski, Italiana XII (2007): 99-122.
“Bernardo Bertolucci’s La strategia del ragno: Historicizing Oedipus at the Dawn of Italy’s ‘strategia della tensione’,” Forum Italicum 40.2 (Fall 2007): 1-19.
“Mediterranean Neo-Humanism: Texts and Contexts of pensiero meridiano,” Annali d’Italianistica 26 (2008): 1-21.
“Rewriting the Historical Novel on the Risorgimento in Light of Woman’s History: Gender and Nation in Vincenzo Consolo’s Il sorriso dell’ignoto marinaio,” Italica 85 2/3 (2009): 226-242.
“Umberto Eco and Popular Culture: From Kitsch to Postmodernism?,” New Essay on Umberto Eco. Ed. Peter Bondanella (Cambridge University Press, 2009) 1-16.
“All’ombra di Joyce: Beckett saggista ipocrita? Per una riconsiderazione di ‘Dante … Bruno . Vico.. Joyce,’” Samuel Beckett: Fallire ancora, fallire meglio, ed. Sandro Montalto. Novi Ligure: Joker, 2009. 34-44.
“Ethnicity and the Classical Gangster Film”, Mafia Movies, ed. Dana Renga. Toronto University Press (2011) 68-75.
“Between Postmodern Parody and Generic Hybridization: The Gangsters of Brian De Palma’s The Untouchables,” Mafia Movies, ed. Dana Renga. Toronto University Press (2011) 126-133.
“Italy and Its Invaders”, Forum Italicum 44.2 (Spring 2010): 550-558.
“Reading the Discourse of Multicultural Italy: Promises and Challenges of Transnational Italy in an Era of Global Migration,” Italian Culture XXVIII (2010.2): 104-121.
“Screening the Silent Film: Reginald Barker’s The Italian and the Resurgence of American Nativism,” Italian Cultures of Migration, ed. Graziella Parati and Anthony Tamburri (Farleigh Dickinson UP, 2011) 9-21.
“Postcolonial Re-writings of Carlo Emilio Gadda’s Life and Works: The Case of Enrique Butti’s Indì,” Edinburgh Journal of Gadda Studies 9, Decennial Special Edition 7/2011 (9077 words; 26 print).
“Italy’s Geophilosophies of the Mediterranean,” Annali d’Italianistica 29. Special issue on Italian Critical Theory (2011) 343-362.
“’Which and Whose Italies?’ Responding to Paul Ginsborg’s Salviamo l’Italia,” California Studies 3.2 (Fall 2012) 1-8.
“Answering the Summons of the “Other”: Reading Migrant and Postcolonial Italy with Emmanuel Lévinas,” Emmanuel Lévinas and Twentieth Century Literature, ed. Donald Wehrs (Delaware UP, 2013) 289-314.
“In the Palus Putredinis of Italy’s Bourgeois Domesticity: Edoardo Sanguineti’s Capriccio Italiano: From Textual Representation to Critical Practice,” Edoardo Sanguineti: Critical Perspectives, ed. Paolo Chirumbolo and John Picchione (Oxford: Legenda, 2012) 129-142.
“Oltre la tradizione del romanzo storico ad argomento risorgimentale: la riscrittura di donna e nazione ne Il sorriso dell’ignoto marinaio di Vincenzo Consolo,” Forum Italicum 47.1 (2013): 1-16.
“Uncovering Giovanni Verga’s Post-colonial Consciousness: From Vita dei campi to I Malavoglia,” Verga Innovatore – Proactive Verga, ed. Dagmar Reichardt and Joseph Farrell (Firenze: Franco Cesati editore, 2013) 1-13.
“Incisività culturale del romanzo a ipotesi di Umberto Eco,” Calvino & Eco: Relazioni rizomatiche, ed. Rocco Capozzi (Milano: Federico Motta Editore, 2013) 128-148; 280-385.
“Recovering Samuel Beckett’s Italian Translations of Raffaello Franchi, Giovanni Comisso, and Eugenio Montale,” The Beckett Critical Reader: Archives, Theories, and Translations, ed. Stan E. Gontarski, Edinburgh UP, 2012, 152-167 (rpt. with minor edits).
“Creative Tensions: Evolution and Involution in Eco’s Aesthetics Theory and Fictional Practice” Parol: quaderni d’arte e di epistemologia 14 (2013): 119-133
“European Cities Dream the ‘Great Sea’: Discourses on the Mediterranean and their Reception in the Arab and Islamic World,” Mediterranean Review 7.2 (2014): 53-82.
“From Sicily to the Global South(s): Vincenzo Consolo and the Mediterranean,” Sicily and the Mediterranean: Migration, Exchange, Reinvention, ed. Summerfield and Karagoz, Palgrave MacMillan, 2015, 195-215.
“Consolo, Lévinas, and the Ethics of Postmodernist Storytelling,” Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol. 371 (2015): 119-128 (rpt.)
“Vincenzo Consolo and the Postmodern Writing of Melancholy,” CLC: Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol. 371 (2015): 144-154 (rpt.)
“Vincenzo Consolo and His Mediterranean Paradigm,” with M. Lollini, CLC: Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol. 371 (2015): 177-197 (rpt.)
Writing the Mediterraneity of the Italian South,” with V. Ferme, CLC: Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol. 371 (2015): 222-247 (rpt.)
“Fighting Cosa Nostra with the Camera’s Eye: Letizia Battaglia’s Evolving Icons of ‘Traumatic Realism,’” Italian Women at War, ed. Susan Amatangelo, Farleigh Dickinson UP, 2016, 165-179.
“Umberto Eco’s Semiotic Imaginary”, with a response by Umberto Eco The Library of Living Philosophers, Open Court, 2016, 533-559.
“Colonial Legacies and Postcolonial Interruptions,” ISSA 31.1 (2018): 25-59.
“Nation(s) and Translation in Italian Literary and Cultural History”, Annali d’Italianistica 38 (2020): 1-17.
Encyclopedia/Dictionary Entries, Miscellaneous Publications
“Giuseppe Mazzini 1805-1872,” The Encyclopedia of Italian Literary Studies, ed. Gaetana Marrone and Paolo Puppa (Routledge, 2006): 1174-1176.
“Umberto Eco’s Semiotics,” The Encyclopedia of Europe: 1914-2004, ed. John Merriman and Jay Winter, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons (2006).
“Antonio Gramsci 1891-1937,” The Encyclopedia of Italian Literary Studies, ed. Gaetana Marrone and Paolo Puppa (Routledge, 2006): 887-891.
“Risorgimento,” The Encyclopedia of Italian Literary Studies, ed. Gaetana Marrone and Paolo Puppa (Routledge, 2006): 1588-1593.
“Vincenzo Consolo” http://www.litencyc.com.
“Carlo Emilio Gadda” http://www.litencyc.com
“Italy @ 150. National Discourse at the Sesquicentennial (1861-2011)” Italian Culture XXX.1 (2012) 3-6.
“Franco Cassano’s Southern Thought: A Roundtable Discussion”, California Italian Studies 4.3 (2013): 7-9. http://escholarship.org/uc/item/1wz6n8z1#page-35
“Silvio Mastrodascio,” Silvio Mastrodascio. Il soffio vitale della materia. Breathing Life into Matter (Edizioni Centro Stauros Controguerra, 2015): 15-20.
Short Translations
Ceserani, Remo, “Eco’s (Post)modernist Fictions,” The Politics of Culture and the Ambiguities of Interpretation: Umberto Eco’s Alternative, with an afterword by Umberto Eco, ed. (New York: Peter Lang, 1998) 149-63.
Violi, Patrizia, “Individual and Communal Encyclopedias,” The Politics of Culture and the Ambiguities of Interpretation: Umberto Eco’s Alternative, with an afterword by Umberto Eco, ed. (New York: Peter Lang, 1998) 25-38.
Rebaudengo, Maurizio, “Between Shelves and Columns,” The Politics of Culture and the Ambiguities of Interpretation: Umberto Eco’s Alternative, with an afterword by Umberto Eco, ed. (New York: Peter Lang, 1998) 225-240.
Vincenzo Consolo, “Risorgimento and Literature: the Post-Risorgimento Novel in Italy”, Italian Culture 21 (2003): 149-176.
Marco Cupolo, “Tomasi di Lampedusa's Il Gattopardo and Post War Italian Political Culture,” Risorgimento in Modern Italian Culture:Revisiting the 19th century Past in History, Narrative, and Cinema (Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005) 57-72.
Fulvio Orsitto, “Unification in Post War Italian Cinema, Risorgimento in Modern Italian Culture,” Revisiting the 19th century Past in History, Narrative, and Cinema (Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005) 241-258.
Vincenzo Consolo, “The International Parliament of Writers: Journey to Israel/Palestine,” Reading and Writing the Mediterranean (Toronto University Press, 2006) 104-109.
Vincenzo Consolo, “The Disappearance of the Fireflies,” Reading and Writing the Mediterranean (Toronto University Press, 2006) 277-284.
Vincenzo Consolo “The Smile, Twenty Years Later,” Reading and Writing the Mediterranean (Toronto University Press, 2006) 285-291.
Review Articles
Albert Sbragia, C.E Gadda and the Modern Macaronic, Italica 74 (1997): 438-440.
Benedetti, Hairston, and Ross eds. Gendered Contexts: New Perspectives in Italian Cultural Studies, Italica 75 (1998): 253-254.
Anthony J. Tamburri, A Semiotics of Ethnicity, Annali d’Italianistica 17 (1999): 293-295.
Margaret Brose, Leopardi sublime, Annali d’Italianistica 17 (1999): 346-348.
S.C. Wright, La poetica neobarocca in Calvino, Annali d’Italianistica 17 (1999): 368-370.
Mario Moroni, La presenza complessa, Annali d’Italianistica 17 (1999): 387-389.
Robert Dombroski, Creative Entanglements: Gadda and the Baroque, Italian Culture XVIII, 1 (2000): 191-193.
Philip V. Cannistraro, Blackshirts in Little Italy, Annali d'Italianistica 18 (2000): 523-525.
Michael Caesar, Umberto Eco: Philosophy, Semiotics and the Work of Fiction, Modern Fiction Studies 47.2 (2001): 528-530.
Roberto Dainotto, Place in Literature: Regions, Cultures, Communities, Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 389-390.
Verina Jones and Laura Lepschy eds., With a Pen in Her Hand: Women Writing in Italy in the Nineteenth Century and Beyond,
Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 386-388.
Rebecca, West, Gianni Celati: The Craft of Everyday Storytelling, Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 401-404.
Stephen Gundle, Between Hollywood and Moscow. The Italian Communists and the Challenge of Mass Culture,
1943-1991, Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 390-393.
Rebecca West, ed. Pagina Pellicola Pratica: Studi sul cinema italiano, Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 417-420.
Massimo Lollini, Il vuoto della forma: scrittura, testimonianza e verità, Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 335-338.
Juliann Vitullo, The Chivalric Epic in Medieval Italy, Annali d'Italianistica 19 (2001): 357-359.
François Orsini, Pirandello e l'Europa, Italica 79/3 (2002): 427-29.
Joseph Tusiani, Ethnicity: Selected Poems, Annali d’Italianistica 20 (2002): 565-567.
Albert Russell Ascoli, and Krystyna von Henneberg eds., Making and Remaking Italy: The Cultivation of National Identity around the Risorgimento,
Annali d'Italianistica 20 (2002): 511-514.
Gaetana Marrone, The Gaze and the Labyrinth: The Cinema of Liliana Cavani, Journal of Modern Italian
Studies 7/2 (2002): 319-322.
Vincent F. Rocchio, Cinema of Anxiety: A Psychoanalysis of Italian Neorealism, Journal of Modern Italian
Studies 7/2 (2002): 322-325.
Anita Piemonti, and Marina Polacco eds., Sogni di carta, ed. Italica 79/4 (2002): 572-574.
Anna Camaiti Hostert, and Anthony Julian Tamburri eds., Screening Ethnicity: Cinematographic Representations of Italian Americans in the United
States, Italica 80/2 (2003): 269-271.
Franco Zangrilli, La Ciociaria tra letteratura e cinema, Annali d'Italianistica 21 (2003): 566-569.
Maria Sechi, Giovanna Santoro, and Maria Antonietta Santoro eds., L'ombra lunga dell'esilio, Annali d'Italianistica 21 (2003): 569-571.
Jennifer Margaret Fraser, Rite of Passage in the Narratives of Dante and Joyce, Annali d'Italianistica 21 (2003): 534-536.
AA.VV. Eco in Fabula, Annali d'Italianistica 22 (2004): 518-520.
Peter Bondanella, Hollywood Italians: Dagos, Palookas, Romeos, Wise Guys, and Sopranos, Annali d'Italianistica, 22 (2004): 537-540.
Peter Bondanella and Andrea Ciccarelli eds., The Cambridge Companion to the Italian Novel, Annali d'Italianistica 22 (2004): 540-543.
Cristina Farronato, Eco's Chaosmos: From the Middle Ages to Postmodernity, Italica 82.2 (Summer 2005): 267-269.
John Picchione, The New Avant-Garde in Italy. Theoretical Debates and Poetic Practices, Annali d’Italianistica 23 (2005): 307-309.
Romano Luperini, La fine del postmoderno, Annali d’Italianistica 24 (2006): 439-440.
Margherita Ganeri, L’Europa in Sicilia, Annali d’Italianistica 24 (2006): 459-461.
Roberto Dainotto, Europe (In Theory), Annali d’Italianistica 25 (2007): 544-546.
Marina Paino, Dicerie dell’autore. Temi e forme della scrittura di Bufalino, Annali d’Italianistica 25 (2007): 516-518.
Irene Romera Pinto, ed. Lunaria vent’anni dopo, Annali d’Italianistica 25 (2007): 525-526.
Dominique Budor, ed. Vincenzo Consolo: éthique et écriture, Annali d’Italianistica 25 (2007): 513-514.
Ian Chambers, Mediterranean Crossings, Annali d’Italianistica 26 (2008): 427-429.
Karla Mallette, The Kingdom of Sicily, 1100-1250, Forum Italicum 42.2 (2008): 422-423.
Carlo Celli and Marga Cottino-Jones, A New Guide to Italian Cinema, Annali d’Italianistica 26 (2008): 537-540.
Aliza Wong, Race and Nation in Liberal Italy: 1861-1911, Annali d’Italianistica 26 (2008): 579-581.
Ariella Lang, Converting a Nation. A Modern Inquisition and the Unification of Italy, Italica 86.4 (2009): 753-755.
AA.VV. Italian Identities at large. Studi d’Italianistica nell’Africa Australe, Annali d’Italianistica 28 (2010): 475-477.
Federica Pedriali, Altre carceri d'invenzione: Studi gaddiani, Modern Language Review 105.4 (2010): 475-477
Lina Insana, Arduous Tasks: Primo Levi, Translation, and the Transmission of Holocaust Testimony,
Italica 87.3 (Autumn 2010): 518-520.
Flavia Laviosa, Visions of Struggle in Women’s Filmmaking in the Mediterranean, Italica 87.2 (Winter 2010): 319-321.
Raffaele Furno, Intra-cultural Theater: Performing the Life of Black Migrants to Italy, Annali d’Italianistica 29 (2011): 562-565.
Lucia Quaquarelli, Certi Confini. Sulla letteratura italiana dell’immigrazione, Annali d’Italianistica 29 (2011): 594-597.
Lucy Riall, Risorgimento. The History of Italy from Napoleon to Nation State, Italica 88. 4 (2012): 664-667.
Alan O’Leary, Tragedia all’Italiana. Italian Cinema and Italian Terrorism 1970-2010, Annali d’Italianistica 29 (2011): 582-585.
Thomas Simpson, Murder and Media in the new Rome. The Fadda Affair, Italica 89.3 (2012): 418-421.
Pasquale Verdicchio, Looters, Photographers, and Thieves. Aspects of Italian Photographic Culture in Nineteenth
and Twentieth Centuries, Annali d’Italianistica 30 (2012): 439-443.
Alex Metcalfe, The Muslims of Medieval Italy, Annali d’Italianistica 30 (2012): 439-443.
Rocco Paternostro, Letteratura italiana dell’emigrazione con antologia di testi, Italian Culture 31.1 (2013): 72-74.
Martino Marazzi, Voices of Italian America. A History of Early Italian American Literature with a
Critical Anthology, Journal of Modern Italian Studies 18.3 (2013): 379-381
Lucy Riall and Silvana Patriarca, eds. The Risorgimento Revisited. Nationalism and Culture in Nineteenth Century Italy, Italica 90.2 (Summer 2013) 300-304
Robert Gordon, The Holocaust in Italian Culture 1944-2010, Shofar. Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish
Studies 32.3 (2014): 133-136.
Cristina Lombardi-Diop and Caterina Romeo, Postcolonial Italy, Annali d’Italianistica (2014): 710-713.
Gaia Giuliani and Cristina Lombardi-Diop, Bianco e nero. L’identità razziale degli italiani, Annali d’Italianistica (2014): 549-551.
Nir Arielli, Fascist Italy and the Middle East, Annali d’Italianistica 3 (2015): 476-478.
Paola Bonifazio, Schooling in Modernity. The Politics of Sponsored Films in Postwar Italy, Journal
of Italian Cinema and Media Studies 5.1, 2017, 111-114.
Invited Lectureship, Talks, Keynotes, and Seminars
“Cultural Studies and Operatic Crossovers,” Central Connecticut SU, 2/10/2000 (invited talk)
“Developments in Cultural Theory,” Indiana University, 10/12/2000 (invited talk)
“Umberto Eco and the (Real)ization of the Hyper-real,” CUNY Graduate School, 2/14/2001 (invited talk)
“Umberto Eco and Postmodernity: A Seminar,” University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, P.R., 2/2002 (invited talk)
“Umberto Eco's Fictions: From The Rose to Baudolino,” McGill University, 1/13/2003 (invited talk)
“The Italian Immigration to the United States: From the pre- to the post-Unification Eras,” Central Connecticut SU/Università di Messina, 7/5/2004 (invited talk)
“Italian Americans in Old and New Hollywood Cinema,” Central Connecticut SU/Università di Messina, 7/9/2004 (invited talk)
MLA Radio Show: “Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose,” Library series, www.WBGO.org, 11/2007 (invited public radio talk)
“Mediterranean Studies in the Age of Globalization: The Case of Italy,” Connecticut College, 4/17/2008 (invited talk)
“Esposito Inaugural Visiting Faculty Fellowship in Italian-American Culture and History,” University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, 3/24-3/27, 2009 (invited talks series)
“Migrations and Transnational Identities: Crossing Borders, Bridging Disciplines,” Humanities Institute at SUNY, Stony Brook and Alphonse D’Amato Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies,” SUNY, November 12-13, 2009 (invited talk series)
“Transnational Italy in an Era of Global Migration,” Dis/Placing Boundaries in the Romance World, University of Oregon, Eugene, 12/19-20, 2010 (conference Keynote Address)
“Revisiting the Mediterranean: Mediterranean Studies Today,” Mediterranean Encounters, University of Colorado, Boulder, 4/15-16, 2011 (conference Keynote Address)
“1861-2011: An Occasion to Rethink the Failure of the Italian Nation?.” Italy/Italies Today, University of New Hampshire, Durham, 3/29-4/1, 2011 (invited talk)
“Remembering Transculturality,“ Transcultural Italy, California State University, 11/7-8, 2011 (conference Keynote Address)
“Umberto Eco’s Semiotic Imagination and the Writing of the Historical Novel,” Brock University, CA, 4/2/2013 (invited talk)
“Italian Studies Beyond the Nation?: Italy and the Mediterranean in the Contemporary Scholarly Inquiry and Creative Imaginary,” University of Chicago, 5/14, 2014 (invited talk)
“Transformed Epistemologies of the Mediterranean? The Case of Contemporary Italy,” University of Texas, Austin, 11/14, 2014 (invited talk)
Emilio Goggio Visiting Chair of Italian Studies, University of Toronto (2015; declined)
“Nation(s) and Translations,” Regional Identities on a Global Scale: Translation, Audience, Reception, 3/31-4/2, 2016, University of British Columbia (invited talk)
“Colonial Legacies and Post-Colonial Interruptions,” 8/10, 2017, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa (conference Keynote Address)
“Italian Mediterraneans”, 12/4/2020, University of London, UK (invited talk; declined)
Gadda (Oxford); accepted