»Steps to Report an Academic Integrity Violation

Have you noticed an academic integrity violation? Under Chapman policy, it is important that you report this incident. There are three easy steps to reporting this incident: 

  1. Set up a brief 10-15 minute meeting with the student to discuss why you are concerned that an academic integrity violation has taken place. We will arrange an Academic Integrity Committee faculty member to be present at the meeting to help facilitate the meeting and explain the procedure and process (see step 2).
  2. Once you have the meeting time set with the student, request an AIC designee. We ask that you provide at least three (3) business days notice before the meeting so that we can confirm an AIC faculty member will be present at the meeting. Under AIC policy, please do not meet with the student to discuss the violation until during the meeting with the AIC designee.
  3. After the meeting, submit the brief academic integrity violation form to aic@chapman.edu. Please note that you must have held the meeting with the student with the AIC designee prior to submitting this form. The AIC faculty member present at the meeting can help answer any questions you have about this process or policy!

It is recommended that Canvas quiz logs not be the primary source of evidence in a case of suspected plagiarism or cheating. It is possible to use these data as supporting evidence, but faculty should do so with caution. If you are considering using Canvas quiz log data in pursuing an Academic Integrity Violation case, please contact the AIC for guidance.

For more information about Canvas Quiz Logs, visit this page: Canvas Quiz Logs

That's it! The AIC does not review your sanction or hold an additional hearing unless the student appeals. You will not participate in any additional hearing. You may wish to consult this faculty flow chart. If you have any questions, please email aic@chapman.edu.