Writing Student Learning Outcomes

Learning at Chapman

Writing Student Learning Outcomes

Learning at Chapman

»Writing Student Learning Outcomes

Student learning outcomes (SLOs) for courses and degree programs are developed by faculty. They are action-based statements that describe what a student should be able to as a result of a course or program. SLOs should be specific, observable, and measurable.

Effective student learning outcomes should:

  • Describe what a student can do as a result of a course or program.
  • Be concise and specific. Learning outcomes that are overly complex or include multiple outcomes may be difficult to measure and assess.
  • Follow the Bloom’s Taxonomy hierarchy and include action verbs specific to the level of proficiency expected of students.

 Bloom's Taxonomy

  • Avoid using verbs that are not observable such as “appreciate” or “understand.”
  • Be regularly assessed and revised to ensure they are relevant, specific, and representative of the intended skills and knowledge students are expected to develop.