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Learning at Chapman

Contact Us

Learning at Chapman

»Contact Us

If you'd like to speak to someone about assessment, you have a few choices:

Office of Institutional Effectiveness

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness assists departments, programs and colleges in the development and implementation of learning outcomes assessment methods and plans. The office also provides support and consultation for assessment of general education and accreditation of professional school and programs.

photo of Clair Stocks, Ed.D.

Clair Stocks, Ed.D.

Director of Accreditation and Assessment
(714) 744-7801
photo of Kaela King, MA

Kaela King, MA

Assessment Coordinator
(714) 516-7154

Institutional Research and Decision Support (IRADS)

IRADS serves the Chapman Community by organizing, analyzing, interpreting and disseminating institutional surveys, data and information in support of institutional effectiveness, planning, policy formulation and decision making.
photo of Marisol

Marisol Arredondo Samson, Ph.D.

Director of Institutional Research and Decision Support
(714) 628-7339

Request Meeting

Meet with either Clair or Kaela to help any answer questions regarding assessment, program review, etc.