• Students have a discussion in class. There is a laptop with stickers on it on the desk.
Undergraduate Education

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Curricular Graduation Requirement

»Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Curricular Graduation Requirement

All undergraduate Chapman students are required to complete a course that incorporates and addresses diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) issues in meaningful ways.  

This requirement helps our students become global citizens who can fully participate in and contribute to the world in meaningful ways. It also supports several educational goals, including the need for our students to:

  • Examine cultures and communities different from their own.
  • Encourage in-depth inquiry into subjects related to equity.
  • Investigate how inclusion affects individuals and society as a whole. 

We do not anticipate the DEI requirement to require students to take additional units to graduate.

Policies for DEI course requirements

  • This policy affects all new, incoming students under the 2023/24 Chapman Catalog. 
  • Students must satisfy a DEI course requirement prior to graduation by completing a three-credit course that has been approved by faculty as meeting the DEI requirements. 
  • DEI courses address issues arising from intolerance and/or exclusion due to any of the following:
    • Race.
    • Gender identity.
    • National or ethnic origin.
    • Religion.
    • Sex.
    • Sexual orientation.
    • Socio-economic background.
    • Age.
    • Disability.
  • Courses that are used to meet the DEI graduation requirement may also be used to meet other degree requirements, including major and/or minor core courses or electives, as well as general education (GE) requirements. 
  • Several programs have designed DEI-approved courses as part of their degree programs, and several GE courses are approved. Students may take a DEI-approved course at any time during their time at Chapman.
A group of students studying together using laptops in a small alcove area.


Finding DEI courses

DEI courses can be found in:

Transferring in DEI course credit

Here is some important information for transfer students about transferring DEI credit to Chapman:

  • A course taken at another undergraduate institution may count towards the DEI requirement if it has been articulated for this category by the Office of the Registrar and/or the appropriate faculty approval committee. The syllabus must be submitted for approval to the Transfer and Articulation Office of the University Registrar before credit will be granted by Chapman.
  • DEI approval at Chapman University is given to California State University (CSU) or California Community College courses approved to meet the ethnic studies requirement.
  • Students should contact the Office of the University Registrar if they have any questions about whether a course at another institution will transfer to Chapman.
  • Current Chapman students are limited in the number of credits that may be transferred to Chapman after they have started their degree program at Chapman. For more information, see our Transfer Credit Policies and Guidelines page.

Submitting a course for DEI status (for faculty)

Chapman departments and faculty are encouraged to submit new and current courses for approval for DEI status. Guidelines and instructions on how to submit a course for DEI consideration are available in Canvas.