Service Learning Independent Study requirements
Service-learning is not the same as interning or studying to obtain job experience
or providing volunteer work.
To be considered as a service-learning experience for the purpose of completing the
CC category, the service must focus on community engagement and include an academic component. Typically, the service-learning opportunity will be
with one of the following types of organization:
- Nonprofit organization.
- Community-based organization (CBO).
- Educational institution.
- Governmental institution.
In some cases service-learning may involve work that provides service to underserved
populations outside of the traditional nonprofit structure.
The following will not be considered for CC credit:
- Work with for-profit companies (usually a .com company).
- Work that has no service-learning component.
- Work that is monetarily compensated.
- Internships focused primarily on obtaining job skills and experience.
- Clinical or practicum hours in preparation for advanced graduate studies or certification.
Independent Study academic requirements
All CC approved internships and individual studies must include academic components
such as:
- Research papers
- Public presentations
- Journals
- Reflection papers
- Others as approved by advisor
Service Learning Indepdent Study submission and approval process
In order for a Service Learning Internship or Indepedent Study to be considered for
completing the General Education Service Learning (CC) category, you should follow
the directions below.
Approval will only be given if this form is submitted prior to or within 2 weeks of
beginning the internship or individual study. No retroactive approval will be given.
- Complete an Independent Study and Research Form through the Registrars Office.
- Read and complete the Request for Internship or Individual Study Form.
- Submit both completed forms to
You can following up with the Registrar's Office at to ensure you application was received and approved for credit.