• student looking over Prague city holding a map
Study Abroad

Veteran & Veteran-Dependent Students Abroad

»Veteran & Veteran-Dependent Students Abroad

Students who are veterans can experience another country and culture in new ways outside of military service. Veterans can build on skills already gained from service such as leadership, strong work ethic, independence, and reliability. Meet with your Global Education Advisorand the Veteran Resource Center to ask questions, share concerns, and get more information about studying abroad.

Getting Started

Questions to Consider When Selecting a Program

  • How is the military viewed in my host country? 
  • What unique perspectives can I contribute toward my study abroad experience?  
  • What military/family/school obligations at home do I need to consider when planning? 
  • Can I apply my veteran’s benefits to my study abroad program? (see below)
  • Have I met with Chapman’sVeteran Resource Center? 
  • Are there similar local VA organizations or clubs in the area I am traveling to where I could meet others? 

Funding Support

Veterans and dependents of veterans can use the Post 9/11 GI Bill® to study abroad for certain types of programs. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) announced guidance for the accepted uses of student veteran benefits for study abroad with an effective implementation date of August 1, 2020.  

  • Semester Abroad programs (including exchanges): Chapman students pay Chapman tuition and students take courses at foreign institutions. Therefore, Chapman is seen as a third-party provider and therefore are likely not VA-benefit eligible.However, Chapman is the School of Record for the AIFS in Cannes program and Chapman faculty oversee the courses(thereby being Chapman "owned"). 
  • Faculty-Led Travel Courses: VA benefits are applicable. Courses are taught by Chapman faculty (thereby being Chapman "owned") 
  • Summer International Internships: VA benefits are applicable. The internship course is taught by Chapman faculty (thereby being Chapman "owned").  
  • Direct Enrollment Abroad: Tuition benefits are applicable if the foreign school is established in the VBA's WEAMs database to directly accept VA funding. (Note, students will have to study abroad independentlyin order to enroll and pay a foreign institution directly).  

If you are unable to use your VA benefits toward study abroad, meet with your financial aid advisor to discuss other sources of financial aid that can be applied.  

Disclaimer: It is the student's responsibility to understand their eligibility to use the GI Bill® and coordinate the application of funds. Any amounts payable are reduced if the student is not eligible at the 100% payment tier. The VA cannot pay any fees specific to studying abroad unless the student is required to study abroad as part of their academic program. This includes Chapman's $500 semester Study Abroad Fee and Travel Course and international internship program fees.  

Scholarships for Veterans and Dependents:

Once you are accepted into a study abroad program, you can seek out and apply for scholarships to help support your international educational journey:

AIFS Abroad: For students eligible to receive GI Bill® education benefits, AIFS Abroad will provide a $500 grant for any AIFS program.

Gilman-McCain Scholarship for child dependents of active duty service members to study or intern abroad on credit-bearing programs. 

Preparing to Go Abroad

Once you've been accepted into a program, research the questions below to help guide you to make sure you are prepared for your international experience (from AIFS Abroad):

  • Will you need to list your military service on a visa application, and will there be a visa issue if you have served in certain countries?
  • Does your host country have a military? How are people who serve in the military treated in your host country and how does this compare to your experience at home?
  • Do you currently work with a mental healthcare professional and will you be able to continue doing so while you are abroad?
  • How will you discuss your military experience with locals, and how might it be perceived?

Read Student Stories

While Abroad

Once you are abroad, check in with program staff who are trained to help all students work through their adjustment and may have mental health support as well.

You can always reach out to the CGE at globaled@chapman.edu if you need assistance or Public Safety in an emergency at (714)997-6763. 

Additionally, we would love to get any photos or stories about your time abroad. We can share them with other students who are considering studying abroad.

Questions about studying abroad?


Call: (714) 997-6830 

Visit:  576 N. Glassell, Orange, CA 92866 


Center for Global Education house

GI Bill®

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.