167 N. Atchison Street, Orange, CA 92866
Located across the street from the Orange Metrolink Train Station
Open Tuesday through Saturday, 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
TEL: 714-516-5880
EMAIL: hilbertmuseum@chapman.edu
From the North:
-Take 5 Freeway SOUTH
-Exit onto 22 Freeway EAST, Orange
-Take 22 Freeway EAST to Glassell St. Exit
-Exit on Glassell St., turn NORTH (left off the freeway exit ramp)
-Take Glassell St. NORTH to Chapman Avenue WEST (3rd exit off traffic circle)
-Take Chapman Avenue WEST to Atchison Street (right turn just before the railroad
-You’ll see Ruby’s Diner on your left. The Hilbert Museum is directly across Atchison
from Ruby’s, on the right.
-Park in front of the Museum. Parking is free, but you must pick up a University parking
pass inside the Museum and place it on your dashboard.
From the South:
-Take 5 Freeway NORTH
-Exit onto 55 Freeway NORTH
-Take 55 Freeway NORTH to Chapman Avenue Orange
-Turn WEST on Chapman Avenue (right off the freeway exit ramp)
-Take Chapman Avenue WEST to traffic circle (Glassell St.)
-Exit the second exit of the traffic circle (which will continue your drive on Chapman
Avenue WEST)
-Take Chapman Avenue WEST to Atchison Street (right turn just before the railroad
-You’ll see Ruby’s Diner on your left. The Hilbert Museum is directly across Atchison
from Ruby’s, on the right.
-Park in front of the Museum. Parking is free, but you must pick up a University parking
pass inside the Museum and place it on your dashboard.