Schedule an appointment
You can schedule an appointment using the scheduler links above.
Scheduling an appointment with your advisor is the best way to discuss in-depth questions
and concerns. During an appointment, your advisor can help you:
- Decide on the business classes you should be taking as part of your major or minor.
- Build a four-year plan to stay on track and graduate on time.
- Review your Program Evaluation.
- Learn about the facilities and opportunities available to you as a business major.
- Find out more about our integrated graduate programs.
Interested in our integrated graduate programs?
Our Integrated MS in Accounting and Integrated MBA programs allow you to earn a master’s degree with just one additional year of coursework
on top of your bachelor’s.
If you are interested in one of these programs, make an appointment with one of the advisors above as early in your undergraduate
career as possible. We will discuss your options, help you choose the best-fit program for you and help
you get on track to earn your integrated master’s degree.
Come to a walk-in appointment
For quicker questions that may not require in-depth discussion, your best option is
to come to a walk-in. Walk-ins are in person and do not require an appointment.
Walk-ins are the best option if you would like help with:
- Any questions or concerns you have about specific business classes that you are taking.
- Questions about General Education classes.
- Changing your major.
- Finding minors or second majors that match your interests and academic goals.
- Understanding where you can go for additional resources and support on campus.