Picture of Chapman campus with trees and a view of Beckman Hall
Event Operations

»Facility Use and Event Policy


Chapman University is committed to providing a high level of service for event planners and is dedicated to ensuring a consistent and enjoyable experience for all event attendees. By adhering to a shared set of guidelines, rules, and procedures, we endeavor to deliver the highest quality experience for everyone involved. The responsibility for implementing and regularly updating this policy rests with the department of Event Operations, which serves as the central event services office for Chapman University for both internal and external constituents.

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This policy sets forth principles for the optimal and fair utilization of space within Chapman University. Its purpose is to guarantee that space allocation and management align with the University's mission, optimize available resources, and foster a favorable atmosphere for learning, research, and other institutional endeavors, all while protecting the University's interests, prioritizing the safety of participants, and establishing a standardized protocol and experience for event organizers and attendees.


The property and facilities on the Chapman University campus (including but not limited to academic buildings, libraries, residence halls, dining spaces, athletic facilities, administrative offices, performing arts spaces, student centers, labs, studios, health centers, religious centers, research facilities, outdoor spaces, and parking lots and structures) which are owned and controlled by Chapman, are not places of unrestricted access. They are devoted to and maintained for the functions of meeting the collective mission of the institution. Subject to the University’s use and dedicated purposes, specific campus spaces and facilities may be available to be scheduled for events for both University-related groups and non-University-related groups. University-related groups are defined as academic and administrative departments and units and recognized student organizations. Non-University-related groups are defined as groups not affiliated with Chapman University.


No department or unit maintains control of their space, although specific approvals may be built-in to request processes for some spaces to allow priority for primary users or to comply with external standards or accreditation requirements. General-use spaces must be scheduled in order to prevent unreasonable interference with or disruption of Chapman’s educational, research, outreach, and business functions, and normal or scheduled uses of University facilities and property.

Chapman receives frequent requests for facilities and resources. While much scheduling is handled on a first-come-first-served basis, when scheduling conflicts persist, the priority of requests will be honored in the following manner:

  1. Chapman Key Events* as determined by the University President and/or Board of Trustees
  2. Chapman Key Events* as determined by the Events Advisory Group**
  3. Requests by Chapman academic departments, schools, and institutes and athletic contests
  4. Requests for Student Priority Events*** events put on by Recognized Chapman Student Organizations registered with the Department of Student Engagement
  5. Requests by Chapman administrative departments operating on behalf of the University
  6. Requests for all other events by Recognized Chapman Student Organizations
  7. Chapman co-sponsored external events (as defined in section E below)
  8. Non-University (external) events with a clear benefit or mission fit to the University
  9. Non-University (external) events without a clear benefit or mission fit to the University

*Chapman Key Events include but are not limited to Commencement, Convocation, State of the University, Trustee Meetings, Homecoming, Parent Spring Summit, Preview Day, and Orientation.

**On a recurring basis, a senior management Events Advisory Group meeting will take place to determine which events should be considered Key Events, discuss conflicts, and agree upon restricted dates.

***Student Priority Events will be determined by the Events Advisory Group and typically involve large events open to the entire student body.

This prioritization ranking will guide all scheduling procedures on campus. Event Operations holds the authority to modify the master schedule to ensure the preservation of this prioritization, with a particular emphasis on Key Events. In cases where conflicting events require adjustments to their location, date, timing, or other aspects, Event Operations will make diligent efforts to identify suitable alternative accommodations.


The following restrictions apply to all activities on the Chapman University campus:

  • Activities may not be conducted in a manner that violates any federal, state, or local laws.
  • Activities may not be conducted in a manner or at a time or place that is either incompatible or unreasonably interferes with the University's educational, research, service, or other legitimate functions.
  • Activities may not be conducted in a manner that violates the rules or policies of Chapman University.
  • Activities may not be conducted in a manner that violates applicable fire or safety regulations.
  • Activities may not be conducted that interfere with, block, or impede the normal access, ingress, or egress to or from any building or portion of one.
  • Activities may not endanger personal safety, damage personal or University property, or violate an individual’s privacy.
  • Activities may not employ unauthorized sound amplification or create unreasonable noise disruption of University activities and functions.
  • Activities may not cause illegal harassment, defamation, terrorist threats, and/or promote or incite actual or imminent violence, bodily injury, or harm to property.


No employee may use University facilities, supplies, services, or equipment for any reason which is not directly related to their own official University responsibilities. Access to or control of space does not permit an employee, faculty member, student, department, or college to use the facilities for non-University purposes. Any usage of space by individual University faculty, staff, and students where the proposed use is not directly related to the academic mission and strategic goals of the University department or unit or where revenue is being earned that benefits any individual or entity other than Chapman University will be considered a “non-University event” and must follow the requirements outlined below in section F for such external events. 


When an event is entirely coordinated by a department, recognized student organization, or academic unit, and no external groups, vendors, or entities are involved in the sponsoring or hosting details, no Facility Use Agreement or insurance is needed. Contracts and agreements may still be required for external entities participating in any other way. The focus and content of all Chapman-sponsored events must be directly related to the academic mission and/or strategic goals of the University department or unit, and any collected proceeds must be to the sole benefit of Chapman. (Exceptions for fundraising events are outlined in section 14 below.)

When these conditions are met, there are no associated facility rental fees. Some incidentals such as catering charges, outsourced staffing costs, overtime, and excess cleaning, among others, may be charged to the organizing department/unit/organization at the conclusion of the event, when applicable.


Co-sponsored or co-hosted events between a University department, unit, or recognized student organization and an external non-University related group or organization require that the proposed use be directly related to the academic mission and/or strategic goals of the University department or unit. With the co-sponsorship, the University offers a 50% discount on facility charges. A certificate of insurance and Facility Use Agreement is required for all co-sponsored events. The University co-sponsor is ultimately responsible for the event.

  • All co-sponsorships must have Dean/Department Head and Event Operations approval.
  • While facility charges will be discounted, other fees such as labor, catering, cleaning, parking, and other incidentals will be charged to the co-sponsoring department at their normal rates. Upon request and when outlined as such in the Facility Use Agreement terms, these incidental charges can be billed to the external organization instead.
  • University departments or units that co-sponsor events are responsible for scheduling facilities in the main campus scheduling system and coordinating all aspects of the event including client communication and coordination of the room setup, audio-visual equipment, catering, and parking. The co-sponsoring department/unit is also responsible for supervision and staffing for the entire duration of the event. Event Operations will not provide event staffing for these events, except under special circumstances and by arrangements made in advance.

The following examples do not qualify as a Chapman co-sponsored event:

  • Individual members of the Chapman community including faculty, staff or students providing their name to a group so that group can use campus facilities and resources.
  • University individuals who wish to use space for private events not related to University business.
  • Events where there is no benefit to the co-sponsoring department, unit, recognized student organization, or immediate Chapman community.
  • Events where the proceeds are to the benefit of any entity other than Chapman University, except with special approval (see section 15 below.)


Permitted non-University scheduling and use of Chapman University facilities must always be secondary to the priority given to primary educational uses of the facility, which are necessary for the accomplishment of the educational purposes and mission for which the University operates. All Chapman facilities, when not scheduled for classes or other University activities, may be scheduled for off-campus groups when the Vice President of Event Operations determines that the presence of such group(s) is consistent with the goals and objectives of the University. The use of Chapman University facilities that were constructed using tax-exempt financing by a for-profit company may result in tax implications for the University. The Vice President for Finance and Controller should review all agreements with for-profit companies.

Space usage requests from non-University-related groups must be made to the Event Operations department. Use of facilities by non-University-related groups will be granted only when a Facility Use Agreement or Vendor Agreement has been properly executed. A certificate of insurance naming Chapman University as additionally insured is required for all facility rental events, and the full liability remains with the external group. Non-University groups are responsible for providing sufficient staff to operate and supervise their event and participants at all times. When minors are participating in events with any amount of risk, waivers signed by parents are mandatory. (See “Events Involving Minors” section below for additional requirements for minors on campus.)

Non-University events may not use the Chapman University name in any advertisement material, brochure, mailer, or any similar item in a manner that infers that the University is a sponsor/co-sponsor or source of the event. The University’s name may only be used for reference to event location unless written approval has been granted by the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer or designated authority.

Approval for the use of University facilities or equipment by non-University groups will be granted only when:

  • The event and facility use have been approved by the Vice President of Event Operations.
  • No conflict of interest exists, either for the University or for the employee.
  • No direct costs to the University are associated with such actions.
  • No overt or extra liability exists for the University.
  • It is clear to all prospective participants that either the activity in question is not sponsored by the University or exactly what relationship exists between the University and the activity.
  • The facilities or equipment are not calendared for other University-related business or events.
  • The calendaring of the event does not conflict with other events on campus or fall on a restricted date.
  • All rules for external events are in adherence, including but not limited to a signed facility use agreement, proof of insurance, and a completed minor registry for participants under the age of 18.

Rental Use of Musco Center for the Arts 

Permitted uses of Musco Center are directly connected with, essential to, and in furtherance of the primary, educational uses of the facility, and necessary for the accomplishment of the educational and cultural purposes for which the University operates the Center, as determined by the Dean of the College of Performing Arts and Musco Center’s Executive Director, and subject to policy review by the Provost.  

Musco Center prioritizes scheduling for Chapman University’s College of Performing Arts and then Musco Center Presents and University Executive Use. Other University departments as well as Non-University (external) uses are open for application/reservation once the priority period has ended (subject to change on an annual basis):

  • May 15 for events scheduled during the following fall semester and January Interterm;
  • November 25 for events scheduled during the spring semester;
  • February 15 for events scheduled during June and August. (Musco Center is closed for maintenance mid-summer for approximately 4 weeks.)

Once Chapman University’s priority uses have been scheduled, Musco Center is made available to non-University organizations for purposes that are consistent with, or enhance the mission of, the University and are in the interest of the community. The appropriateness of a request will be determined by the Dean of the College of Performing Arts and Musco Center’s Executive Director, and subject to policy review by the Provost.  Costs and fees associated with using Musco Center are the sole responsibility of the Non-University organization. All ticketed events at Musco Center must use Chapman Ticketing as the sole source of ticket sales. Permissible events include but are not limited to non-profit educational and cultural events.

Musco Center does not rent or license its facilities to: 

  • Non-University bookings for religious or political events. 
  • Bookings for any weddings or wedding receptions. 
  • High, middle, or elementary school graduations, ceremonies, and performances.
  • The Dean of the College of Performing Arts may permit occasional recitals and/or productions by regional arts magnet high schools with whom Chapman has ongoing relationships and/or are part of Chapman’s recruitment efforts.   
  • Bookings from commercial, for-profit organizations.
  • Bookings for filmmaking purposes not related to a live onstage event.  
  • Bookings from competing college or University programs.


Event Operations will establish facility rates and associated expenses, if applicable, and provide quotations upon request. All revenue generated from facility rentals and other event-related income, excluding prearranged ticket proceeds, will be managed and retained in a centralized University revenue account managed by Event Operations. The only exception to this arrangement is the Musco Center, where rental rates and income will be determined and managed by designated Musco Center leadership.

Non-University Groups

For facility rentals involving external groups, whether co-sponsored or not, a space holding fee is due upon reservation which is separate from the facility rental fee. No space will be held for outside groups without this fee being collected first. This fee is non-refundable.

All event cancellation requests must be made in writing. All deposits and space holding fees are non-refundable. 

Requests for a waiver of the facility fee must be submitted in writing by a University Dean/Department Head and be approved by the Vice President of Event Operations or other designated authority based upon the following criteria:

  • The event is critical to the mission of the sponsoring department and aligned with Chapman’s mission and values, is beneficial to the University’s relationship with the community as identified and approved by the Vice President of Community Relations, is beneficial to recruitment efforts of the University, or is greatly beneficial to the University in some other way.
  • The event does not conflict with other previously scheduled University events or operations.
  • Resources are available to support the event.
  • The request is made in a timely manner and includes all necessary information.
  • Granting the waiver does not have a negative impact on the financial health of the University or its facilities. 

University Groups

University groups do not pay facility fees (except for residence hall usage) for events that meet the qualifications of a Chapman-sponsored event (as detailed above), however, a space holding deposit is charged to Chapman departments/units/organizations for summer residence hall accommodations. This deposit will be applied to the total balance due after the event, however, it is non-refundable and will be forfeited if the event is canceled less than 90 days prior to the scheduled event. Other incidental fees such as dining/catering do still apply to University groups.


External organizations requesting residence hall accommodations (June – July), meal service in Randall Dining Commons, and use of University facilities must sign a Conference Agreement initiated by the Event Operations department. Chapman University does not permit minors overnight; all such agreements are only for groups involving participants aged 18 or older.

For University-sponsored summer programs that require overnight accommodations and meal service, coordination with Event Operations is required with as much notice as possible. A holding deposit will be due at the time of reservation which will be applied to the total balance due at the conclusion of the event (see above section regarding University Groups. 


All on-campus space usage must be reserved through the main campus scheduling system managed by Event Operations to allow for a complete repository of on-campus happenings. The only exceptions to this are stated below. No other systems (i.e., Outlook Calendar) should be used for event scheduling purposes. Event Operations should be consulted when scheduling is being configured for new spaces and will be the final decision maker on scheduling procedures for all campus spaces. Event Operations reserves the right to move spaces from other scheduling systems to the main campus scheduling system or vice versa based on the typical usage of those spaces. Event Operations can batch load schedules for departments/units who wish to schedule this way.

Gatherings that do not currently require a main campus scheduling system reservation include:

  • Classroom usage for academic purposes scheduled through the Registrar’s office (not including non-regularly scheduled uses such as review sessions and makeup classes)
  • Departmental staff meetings that do not entail a venue reservation or other resources
  • Study sessions in designated huddle spaces
  • Casual gatherings where no venue or resources are needed

Other gatherings may be added or deleted from this list as necessary to support the scheduling goals of the University as determined by Event Operations. 

When spaces are not reserved for other purposes, Chapman community members are welcome to utilize them for casual meetings and as study areas, provided that their activities do not disrupt any ongoing University operations. Because event set-up often happens in advance, room arrangements cannot be altered, and the space must be left in its original condition and configuration. Confirmed space reservations always take priority.

Classroom Spaces

Classrooms and other academic spaces will be available first for academic scheduling. Academic scheduling is handled by the Office of the Registrar and is separate from this policy. When classroom spaces are not being used for academic classes, they may be available for scheduled event requests, but not until after the add/drop deadline when the classroom schedules are finalized and confirmed. This typically results in a “blackout” of these spaces for the first one to two weeks of each term (including interterm and summer term.) 

Space Reservation Accuracy

Event organizers are responsible for ensuring that their reservation details are on file with Event Operations through the main campus scheduling system and that they are accurate including location, expected attendance, involvement of outside entities, programmatic content, layout diagrams, and intended audience. Event Operations is a service department and will be glad to assist organizers with the scheduling system. Event organizers are required to notify Event Operations of any changes to their event in a timely manner. Due to high demand for event spaces, a no-show space reservation or significantly inaccurate or incomplete reservation details may result in the event being canceled or event scheduling rights being revoked for a period of time for an individual, group, or department.

Space Reservation Confirmation or Denial

All events and activities on campus must have a valid space reservation or else they will be considered unauthorized use of space. Event Operations will maintain the right to deny any request for reasons such as restricted dates, conflicts with other events, lack of resources, campus over-programming, insufficient parking, safety concerns, and space maintenance, among other reasons. 

Restricted Dates

In order to optimize the University's resources, facilities, and event support teams, certain periods throughout the year may be designated as restricted dates. In general, events should not take place during these time periods unless they are coordinated with and contribute value to the primary event and do not create additional conflicts of any kind. The restricted dates include:

  • The week of final exams for all semesters and trimesters
  • Dates of Chapman Key Events (see section 2A)
  • University holidays
  • Winter closure period
  • Any other dates determined by Event Operations and/or the Events Advisory Group.

Non-University Space Requests

Requests initiated by groups or persons not affiliated with Chapman University (see facility rental section above) are to be handled by Event Operations. Chapman-affiliated individuals or units are not permitted to reserve space on behalf of other organizations or individuals, transfer a space reservation, or sublet any University facilities.


Only trained staff may configure a room or move furniture. All workplace safety rules must always be adhered to. When events occur after regular working hours, planning must be done in advance to ensure configuration is completed by properly trained staff. When an outside company (Signature, etc.) is contracted for event setup, Event Operations must be notified, and the load-in must be scheduled just as any other space usage would be. All event load-ins must be supervised by a Chapman employee or recognized student organization leader as coordinated by the organizing department/unit.

All events must be staffed by a Chapman employee or recognized student organization leader at all times. Under certain circumstances, with proper training and advanced approval from Event Operations, a Chapman student or external contact may be granted permission to oversee an event without other Chapman personnel present.


Chapman University is not only an academic institution but a residential community within the boundaries of Orange and Irvine. Supporting the mission of the University and respecting those who are studying, researching, or otherwise carrying out academic-related activities is a Chapman priority. It is the responsibility of all faculty, students, and staff to moderate noise and prevent disruption to otherwise normal University activities, especially during an organized event or general activity held on campus. Disturbing noise or disruptions in outdoor areas, near a residence or other campus buildings that infringe on the rights of those residents or members of the University or neighboring communities is considered a violation of this policy. 

The following items must be adhered to when amplified sound is being used:

  • Amplified sound must be approved in advance by Event Operations.
  • Amplified sound is NOT permitted during weekdays in outdoor areas that could disturb classes, University business, or nearby residents of Orange.
  • Weekend and evening events using amplified sound may be permissible with limitations, but approval must be sought as part of the event planning process.
  • All event-related sound must be significantly curtailed before the hours of 7am and after 10pm per Orange & Irvine city ordinance.
  • Amplified content may not violate any Chapman conduct, discrimination, or harassment policies.
  • Activities must not be incompatible with the normal activity of a particular place at a particular time.


All Chapman-sponsored and co-sponsored events that require funds to be collected or that utilize assigned seating must be coordinated with Ticketing Services within Event Operations at least 14 days prior to the on-sale of the event. Event organizers are not permitted to sell tickets or admissions through any other unauthorized external system (including PayPal, Venmo, Square, etc.) without approval from Event Operations and Financial Services.

Data Privacy

Chapman University is committed to protecting its patrons' personal information and being transparent about the information we collect and hold. All patron information, including addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, transaction history, donation history, and notes, will be treated as confidential.

Pricing and Fees

The event organizer determines the pricing of events. Pricing may not change after the on-sale of the event without substantial documentation for external audit purposes. The price charged for tickets MUST match the face value of the ticket. Departments or individuals may not charge patrons more than the ticket face value to increase their proceeds. All included gifts, fees, surcharges, and ticket value amounts must be configured within the University’s ticketing system and be transparent to the ticket purchaser at the time of purchase. Event Operations set all ticket fees. Fee revenues will be managed by Event Operations according to University policy.

Additional Ticketing Policies can be found here: /campus-services/event-operations/index.aspx.


Chapman University’s status as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code prohibits it from participating or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office. Accordingly, the University may not endorse a candidate, provide or solicit financial or other support for candidates or political organizations, or establish political action committees. Participating in political campaigns by or in the name of the University could jeopardize the University’s tax-exempt status. Event Operations will be glad to respond to any questions an event organizer may have regarding political events.

Prohibited political activities include campaign activities, lobbying, support of or opposition to candidates for public office, pending or proposed ballot measures or legislation, and giving gifts to public officials. These regulations also apply to virtual events. While the applicable regulations permit the University itself to engage in some lobbying and ballot measure activities, members of the Chapman community, including outside individuals, entities, and employees who are not acting in their official capacities, are not permitted to use the University’s resources to support political activities.

Except as otherwise outlined in this policy, members of the Chapman community are prohibited from using University resources to support political activities in the following manners:

  • Using University facilities, monies, accounts, credit, vehicles, postage, telecommunications, computer hardware and software, web pages, personnel, equipment, materials, buildings or any other thing of value, except as outlined below.
  • Using Chapman's name and seal, on-campus addresses, and nonresidential telephones, resources, services, equipment, supplies, meeting rooms, email lists, or personnel (including research assistants).
  • Using a Chapman college/school, department, or institute/center's name to endorse a candidate while using University resources.
  • Using a Chapman college/school, department, or institute/center's name on a candidate’s campaign website or collateral materials to endorse a candidate.
  • Recruiting volunteers for campaign activities during events.
  • On-campus solicitation of campaign contributions for candidates.
  • Payment of fees to candidates.
  • Discounting or waiving fees for political events.

Student Voter Events

Departments/units/recognized student organizations may coordinate voter education activities (including public forums, the publication of voter education guides, and voter registration drives) if they are carried out in a non-partisan manner. Voter education or registration activities conducted in a biased manner that favors (or opposes) one or more candidates is prohibited. All such events must be coordinated in advance and have an approved space reservation.

Hosting Candidates in Their Capacity as Political Candidates

When inviting a candidate to speak in their capacity as a political candidate, event organizers must:

  • provide an equal opportunity to participate to all political candidates seeking the same office (this applies to both the nature of the event to which each candidate is invited, as well as the manner of their presentation/promotion);
  • refrain from supporting or opposing a candidate both prior to, during, and after their visit;
  • prohibit political fundraising from occurring for any/all candidates.

Hosting Candidates When Appearing/Speaking as Non-Candidates

When inviting a public figure to speak because they currently hold, or formerly held, public office, is considered an expert in a non-political field, or has led a distinguished military, legal, or public service career, event organizers must:

  • be explicit in their communication with the candidate that they are speaking in a non-candidate capacity;
  • refrain from mentioning the individual’s potential future candidacy for public office (both before, during, and after their visit);
  • maintain a non-partisan atmosphere where the candidate is present.

Issue Advocacy Vs. Political Campaign Intervention

University-hosted political debates and public forums are permitted consistent with the institution’s legitimate, purely educational purpose if they do not endorse, support, or oppose a political candidate or party and follow the Federal Election Committee rules on sponsoring debates or forums.

With respect to University-sponsored public forums, the following guidelines must be met:  

  • All legally qualified candidates for a particular public office or party are invited;
  • All participating candidates are given equal treatment, i.e., access and opportunity to speak;
  • The format and content of the forum are presented neutrally; it is not structured to promote or advance one candidate over another; and
  • No political fundraising occurs in conjunction with the forum.

Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Contributions to political campaign funds or public statements of position (verbal or written) made on behalf of the organization in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office violate the prohibition against political campaign activity.


University students, faculty, and staff have the right to peaceful campus demonstrations. However, disruptive and/or unsafe demonstrations that unreasonably interfere with the rights or safety of others are strictly prohibited. External individuals not affiliated with Chapman are limited to public spaces and may not use Chapman property for such uses.

Depending upon size, safety, logistics, and other considerations, planned demonstrations are encouraged to be scheduled in advance with Event Operations. This does not apply to spontaneous demonstrations for which there is no prior promotion or organization or where events do not allow for advance notice. In such situations, as much prior notice as possible should be provided to Event Operations. Reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions will apply to protests/demonstrations in order to (a) protect and maintain University resources, facilities, and property; and (b) promote public health, safety, and welfare in accordance with this policy. As with any unplanned gathering, priority will be given to events with confirmed space reservations.

For more information about protests and demonstrations on campus, please refer to the following resources:


The University reserves the right to institute its Event Safety Protocol when concerns about personal safety, disruption, and/or commitment to preserving the rights of academic freedom or freedom of expression require administrative support. In these instances, factors relating to the time, place and manner of an event may be determined by the University Administration which may include representatives from the Office of Event Operations, Vice President and Dean of Students, Office of Enterprise Risk and Safety, Department of Public Safety, and the Office of Strategic Marketing and Communication, and when appropriate, additional Members of Senior Staff or their designees. The group weighs considerations regarding safety of members of the community, invited guests and visitors to campus. In the event that the group has not come to consensus on the Event Safety Protocols required, the decision shall be made by the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.

The protocol reflects that protest is a necessary and acceptable means of expression within the Chapman community. However, protest becomes unacceptable when it obstructs the basic exchange of ideas. Such obstruction is a form of censorship, no matter who initiates it or for what reasons. Protests or demonstrations that infringe upon the rights of others to peaceful assembly, orderly protest, freely exchange ideas, or that interfere with the rights of others to make use of or enjoy the facilities or attend the functions of the University cannot be tolerated.  The group may require an event to be ticketed, moved to another location, restricted to members of the University community, or other reasonable time, place or manner restrictions that help to ensure safety and avoidance of disruption balanced with the institution’s commitment to free speech and expression.

Questions may be directed to the Office of Event Operations.


Chapman-Sponsored Tabling

Tabling involves reserving a space on campus to staff a table for promotion or recruitment. Tabling requests must be initiated by Chapman departments, academic units, or recognized student organizations. The requestor is responsible for adherence to all tabling/event policies. The product, service, or membership opportunity being promoted must align with Chapman’s academic mission and/or strategic goals of the University department or unit. Tabling may only occur in designated spots and must always be ADA-accessible. Tabling by students, staff, and faculty must be requested via the central campus scheduling system with advanced notice. Groups are responsible for cleaning up after themselves, or they risk their tabling scheduling rights to be revoked for a period of time.

Outside Vendors

Vendor requests will be handled by Event Operations and will only be considered when specifically invited and co-sponsored by an internal group or serve as a benefit to the Chapman community, as vendor sales/promotions do not usually align with the academic mission and/or strategic goals of the University department or unit. If an internal group chooses to sponsor a vendor, a representative from the Chapman sponsoring group must always be present. Vendors who do not clean up after themselves will be billed for the associated cleaning fees and/or not permitted to return to campus. 

Rules Pertaining to Both Chapman-Sponsored and Outside Vendor Tabling

Groups and vendors must stay at their tables and not aggressively solicit Chapman students/staff/faculty members. Groups and vendors are not allowed to promote the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, obscene material, or anything else that would violate University policy. All food and beverage service at tables must be organized through Chapman’s food service provider. Amplified sound is not permitted at tabling events.


Event promotion or publicity may not begin until an event has been submitted through Event Operations via the main campus scheduling system and the event organizer has received confirmation of their request (see “Event Scheduling” section above.)

Name Use at Events Policy

Non-Chapman entities may not use the Chapman University name or marks in any advertisement material, brochure, photograph, mailer, or any similar item in a manner that implies that the University is a sponsor/co-sponsor or source of the event. The University’s name may only be used for reference of the event location.

Media And Press at Events

Non-Chapman entities are prohibited from inviting media to the Chapman University campus for any events. Chapman departments, units, and student organizations interested in press/media participation must work with Strategic Marketing and Communications and adhere to University press/media policies.

Event Promotion / Flyer Posting

Students must follow all guidelines as stated in the Student Conduct Code. For all other posting purposes, all promotions must be directly related to approved events or activities at Chapman University or hosted by University departments/units/organizations. No postings or signage may be hung or displayed in a way that damages or defaces Chapman property or creates a safety issue. Chapman officials may remove any postings or signage determined to not align with the statements above or deemed inappropriate for any other reason. For additional guidelines, please refer to the University Posting Policy.


Event organizers are required to work with Chapman’s food service provider to order all food and beverages served on the Chapman campus. Exceptions to this policy must be approved through Chapman’s food service provider and will only be approved in limited situations.

Consumption of alcohol is not permitted in any public space or facility on campus, including residence hall lounges unless approved by Event Operations and served by the University’s catering service. Food and nonalcoholic beverages must be served when alcohol is being served. Events with alcohol may require a Special Event permit through the City – event organizers are responsible for informing Event Operations when alcohol will be served. 

Alcohol service and consumption on the University campus is subject to applicable University alcohol policies. Event organizers are responsible for following all applicable state and local laws, ordinances, and regulations related to alcohol at events. Event organizers may be required to provide indemnification and comprehensive general liability, with liquor liability endorsement, to the University. The event organizer will be responsible for ensuring proper ID checking and compliance with California liquor laws and regulations at the event. ID checking may not be performed by anyone under the age of 21 nor by Chapman students, regardless of age.

Public Safety will have the authority to turn intoxicated guests away from any event or to shut down an event early due to safety concerns.


The University is committed to promoting the safety and well-being of minors who visit our campus. To accomplish this objective, the University has developed policies and procedures to describe requirements placed on organizations and others working with minors—to promote their protection, to fulfill our obligations as mandated by law, and to provide the best possible experience for any child visiting our campuses or attending an event.

Registry of Programs Involving Minors

All events involving minors must be entered in the Chapman University Registry of Programs Involving Minors. Event Operations will do this on behalf of external organizations using campus facilities. Departments/units are responsible for doing this in consultation with Risk Management when the event is department/unit/organization sponsored or co-sponsored.

Supervision of Minors

Event organizers are responsible for providing and ensuring adequate supervision of minors at all times. Chapman abides by the minor-to-chaperone ratios set by the American Camp Association outlined below. Chaperones must be 21 years or older, and University students may not supervise other students. Chaperones may include Chapman staff specifically assigned to this responsibility, accompanying teachers and aides, parent chaperones, and other adult individuals, assuming they meet the other conditions listed in this section.

Participant Age

Number Chaperone

Day-only Participant

5 years and younger



6–8 years



9–14 years



15-18 years




Background Checks

If an event’s activities involve the delivery of services or instruction of any kind to external (non-University) participants under the age of eighteen years, the department/unit/organization must coordinate with Risk Management. Background checks will be required, including, at a minimum, a state and county criminal history investigation where the subject of the screening resides, LiveScan fingerprinting, and a search of the national and California state sex offender registries. For non-Chapman-sponsored events, this will be at the expense of the event host.

When a program includes one-on-one interactions, the background check process is mandatory for any Chapman faculty, staff, student, or volunteer exposed to those interactions. For group setting-only programs, at least one person in a leadership capacity attending the event will need to undergo this process. If parents or guardians accompany the minors at all times, there is no background check requirement for event facilitators.

Notice to Parents and Training

Where an event’s activities involve participation by minors, the event organizer must agree to provide notice to each minor’s legal guardians regarding how to report suspicious or improper activity, including but not limited to suspected child abuse or sexual abuse, to the organization and local law enforcement.  The event organizer also must agree, at its own expense, to educate and train all employees, agents, independent contractors, volunteers, or other individuals who are performing services for the organization regarding how to report suspicious or improper activity, including but not limited to suspected child abuse or sexual abuse, to the organization and local law enforcement. A parental waiver/release form, medical background information including allergies, consent to treat the minor, and an emergency contact form may also be required.


Chapman-sponsored off-campus events must coordinate with Risk Management. If transportation is provided via a transportation company, an agreement, and insurance by the contracted company will be required. Busing pick-up/drop-off locations must be reserved through the main campus scheduling system, and schedules must be coordinated with Public Safety.

When an event is being coordinated off-campus and involves rentals or contracts, the event organizer must work with Risk Management and Legal Affairs on all details.


All fundraising events that benefit Chapman require coordination with University Advancement. The Executive Vice President and Chief Advancement Officer must approve all fundraising events with Chapman named as the beneficiary that are anticipated to raise $5000 or more for fundraising purposes. Raffles and auctions benefiting Chapman University require the approval of Financial Services and Dean/Department Head approval. Federal and state law govern the processes for raffles and auctions.

Fundraising For Non-Profit, Charity, Or Other Non-Chapman Entity  

Donations collected to be given to a charity or off-campus organization are not considered donations to Chapman. University funds, with rare exceptions approved in advance by the President, cannot be donated to another charitable organization. Thus, only net proceeds and money specifically raised for charity can be donated to that select cause. No donations can be made to political parties or candidates. All event organizers must make the purpose of their fundraising clear by using the following “Proceeds Language” on tickets, marketing materials, and other correspondence: Proceeds from this [donation/ticket/etc.] will first be applied to the cost of the event. Net proceeds will benefit [specified group]. This is not a tax-deductible donation to Chapman University.


Film/Photo Shoots

Filming and photography shoots for commercial or non-academic purposes may be permitted provided such activity does not interfere with the educational, research, and normal functions or previously scheduled events of the University and does not pose a security or safety risk. All requests must go through Event Operations for review. Filming and photography on campus by an organization/producer requires an approved Filming Agreement.

Filming/Photography at Events

When filming or photography is taking place during an event, California law requires written consent from all participants, or, in the case of a minor, the prior consent of the parent or legal guardian when the intended use of the photos is for advertising, selling, or soliciting purposes and the person being photographed is “readily identifiable.” Contracted photographers require coordination with Legal Affairs and Risk Management as further described in section 19 below.


All event organizers must follow all applicable copyright laws regarding musical works and sound and film recordings. Please refer to Chapman’s Copyright Guidelines for Exhibiting Movies and Other Audiovisual Works.


For the safety of all involved, some events will require safety officer presence. When events include alcohol, anticipated protests or controversy, large attendance numbers, or various other considerations, event organizers must coordinate with Chapman Public Safety. At certain times, subcontracted security staff may be required. Subcontracted security costs for external or co-sponsored events will be the responsibility of the sponsoring organization or department/unit. Public Safety will have the authority to turn away disruptive guests from any event or to shut down an event due to safety concerns.


Possession of weapons on University property or at University-sponsored events is prohibited. Any exceptions, including for stage props or ceremonial proceedings, must be cleared with Public Safety, Risk Management, and Legal Affairs in advance and communicated to Event Operations in writing prior to the event. 


When coordinating a Chapman Sponsored Event, event organizers must work closely with Event Operations, Risk Management, and Legal Affairs while planning their event. A written agreement is required for non-Chapman guests who speak, perform, facilitate, teach, advertise, or sell a product, provide a service, or otherwise contribute to a department/unit/organization on or off-campus activity. These contracts address compensation, liability, risk management, and other legal issues. The University prefers to contract directly with the outside entity, not an event planning company or other third-party facilitators. Contracts may only be signed by Chapman’s Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer after being reviewed by Risk Management and Legal Affairs and with Dean’s and Provost’s approval for academic units.

Agreements templates and additional information can be found at /campus-services/legal-affairs/forms/index.aspx. 


If the University determines that an individual, department, or unit has engaged in prohibited conduct, violated any of the above guidelines, or has otherwise provided intentionally inaccurate or misleading information about their event, each incident will be investigated and may lead to the cancellation of the event and/or suspension of scheduling privileges (including existing and future reservations) for an individual, department, or unit in addition to possible disciplinary action. Charges for damage or excess cleaning resulting from the mismanagement of an event may also be charged to the presenting department or unit. Individuals may also be subject to disciplinary action per the policies applicable to their status as a member of the Faculty, Staff, or Student body.


This policy shall be periodically reviewed for its continued relevance and effectiveness. Any necessary updates or revisions will be made in consultation with the relevant stakeholders and approved by the appropriate University leadership.

Office Responsible For Policy

Name of Office: Event Operations – Tessa Jones, Vice President of Event Operations

Contact information for questions about this policy: 714-516-4740, tejones@chapman.edu

Related Materials

Additional related policies/guidelines:

External resources: