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- Printing Policy
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»Printing Policy
To eliminate excessive/abusive printing and become more environmentally friendly Chapman University has implemented printing charges on the printers on public access and lab computers.
All active Chapman students will have a printing account which can be used at any Pharos or WEPA print station. Please note the print credits are mutually exclusive and non-transferable.
- Undergraduate student printing accounts will be credited with a balance of $15.00 for the Spring/Fall semesters.
- Graduate student printing accounts will be credited with a balance of $35.00 for the Spring/Fall semesters.
- Ph.D. student printing accounts: please contact the Service Desk for more information.
- Physical Therapy student printing accounts will be credited with a balance of $35.00 for the Spring/Fall/Summer semesters.
- Post-Baccalaureate student printing accounts will be credited with a balance of $5.00 for each term (Pharos Only).
- The Fowler School of Law students will be given $35 per semester in print credits. Please visit the cashier's office to reload your card if additional funds are needed.
In rare circumstances, the print job may experience a problem, and a page or pages may not print correctly. Adjustments to accounts will be made only under the following situations:
"There was a printer malfunction, and the print was never delivered or is damaged and unusable."
Only IS&T staff with proper authorization will be allowed to make adjustments to a print account. Students who encounter a printing problem and/or need an account adjustment must visit the Service Desk in Leatherby Libraries between 8 am and 5 pm.
- Reduce waste and promote environmental responsibility and sustainability – currently, approximately 30% of the paper printed in the labs is not claimed by users or is immediately discarded.
- Reduce paper and toner usage waste in student computing labs
- More fairly distribute costs for excessive printing to students consuming the most paper
How does printing work on campus at Chapman University?
Refer to the above Printing Policy.
How can I find out how much I have in my free print quota and declining balance?
Log into a lab or public access computer, and click on the “Print Balance” icon on
the desktop to check your total balance.
Do I still need to add funds to my print account from the printing website like before?
No, printing funds no longer need to be manually added from the website.
How do I add funds to my declining balance?
- Use the Blackboard Transaction AC300 station (the black box near the vending machines) or across from the Reference Desk on the 1st floor of the library
- Double-click on the “Print Balance” icon on a Chapman lab desktop
- Use the eAccounts system
- Go to the Cashier’s Office
How do I print duplex (double-sided) or color?
View, save, or print out instructions on How to Double-Side (duplex) and Color Print
(PDF file).
Why can’t I print?
Verify credits using the “Print Balance” icon on the desktop. If your free print credits plus your declining balance equals a:
- If it has positive value then you can print
- Negative value signified by parentheses ex: ($1.00) around the amount, then you need
to add funds to your declining balance.
- To add funds to your declining balance, refer to the “How do I add funds to my declining balance?” above.
Why do I have parentheses on my declining balance?
You owe the Cashier’s Office.
Can I stop a print job before it is complete if I realize that I no longer want what
is printing?
Once you have sent a job to the printer, it cannot be stopped. Ensure you verify the
number of pages you have sent to the printer before approving it. If, for any reason,
there is a technical problem with a print job, such as a paper jam, inform a staff
member at the Service Desk.
What happens if there are not enough free print credits and a declining balance?
You will receive a pop-up on the lower right hand corner of the desktop stating, “not
enough money to print job”.
What happens to my free print credit quota at the end of the semester or term?
The printing credit will be reset at the beginning of each semester or term. Credits
do not accumulate from semester to semester and are not refundable.
What happens if I use all of my free print credits?
It will automatically deduct from your declining balance to print. However, you will
not be able to print if you don’t have a POSITIVE balance in your declining balance.
Why can’t I print using Internet Explorer (IE) when viewing a document from my Google
It doesn’t work in IE, use Firefox. In Firefox, download the document and save it
to the desktop (do NOT select open), then open the document from the desktop and print.
Why can’t I print a document using Internet Explorer in my Google Email?
You must first save the document to the desktop (do NOT select open), then open the document from the desktop and select print.
What do I do if my print job is smudged and unusable?
See the Service Desk staff; they can assist you with reprinting and correcting your
quota. Make sure that you bring the damaged print with you.
How can I reduce my printing?
- Use web browser bookmarks to save material you are interested in rather than printing them.
- Email yourself URLs of websites you are interested in rather than print them.
- Use the print preview feature of applications to verify the output layout of documents that you are frequently updating—only print when you are satisfied with the final result.
- When making changes or corrections to a document, only print the page that contains the corrections instead of reprinting the entire document if you are unsure how to do this, a staff member at the Computer Lab Service Desk.
- Consider printing PowerPoint slides 3 to 6 to a page. This will also speed up the printing process.
- If your print job does not print, don’t resend it. There may be many other jobs ahead of yours in the queue, or the printer may have run out of paper. If you keep resending your documents to the printer, multiple copies will be printed later and deducted from your account.
- When you leave a computer system, make sure you remember to log out. If you leave yourself logged in, someone else can use your quota.
- Policies And Procedures
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- Electronic Resources Access for Part-Time Faculty
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- Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools
- Hardware and Software Purchasing
- IS&T Onboarding
- Leaving Chapman University
- Microsoft Teams Security Policies
- Printing Policy
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- UG Student Worker Canvas Access