»Canvas Integrations


Canvas Third-Party Tools Matrix


Canvas Tool Available to All Orange and Rinker Campus Status Only Available to Specific Departments or School Tool Purpose
Adobe Creative Cloud YES Available Students and educators can access their Adobe Creative Cloud Express projects and Creative Cloud apps within Canvas and use them to create and complete their assignments.
Ally YES Available Educators can check the accessibility of documents. Ally provides instructions to improve accessibility. Students can download more accessible versions of documents.
Atomic Search YES Available Quickly find Canvas course materials without any hassle, making your Canvas experience more user-friendly. 
Badgr YES Available Awards badges for accomplishments
BigBlueButton Unavailable Students and educators can create instant video-conferencing meetings from within Canvas.
Cengage Learning Mindlinks YES Available Access interactive online course materials from Cengage.
Canvas Chat YES Available

Add a persistent chatroom to your Canvas course. 

Class Climate (Course Evaluations) YES Available Educators can see the percentage complete of course evaluations. Students can fill out end-of-semester course evaluations within Canvas.
CORE CompMS   Available

School of Pharmacy

CORE CompMS is a competency management system for competency-based assessment.
CORE ELMS   Available

School of Pharmacy

Scheduling, evaluations, compliance, and hours tracking.
Dropbox YES Available Access Dropbox files, embed them into pages, or submit them as assignments in Canvas.
Examsoft Pharmacy Available

School of Pharmacy and PAS

Create and analyze computer-based exams, and prevent students from accessing local and online resources while taking exams.
Examsoft PT Available

Department of Physical Therapy

Create and analyze computer-based exams, and prevent students from accessing local and online resources while taking exams.
Follett Bookstore YES Available Educators can access the Follett Bookstore from the Canvas navigation menu.
Google Apps YES Available Access, share, and collaborate on content stored in Google Drive.
GoReact Available Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies Video formative feedback on student assessment videos.
Gradescope Available Schmid College of Science and Technology An assignment submission, grading, and analytics platform to make grading more efficient and standardized.
Hypothes.is YES Available
Using annotation, Hypothesis enables sentence-level note-taking or critique on top of classroom reading, news, blogs, scientific articles, books, terms of service, ballot initiatives, legislation, and more.
JoVe Bring science videos easily into your Canvas course.
Labster YES Available Labster is an interactive LTI tool that allows you to add lab simulations to your Canvas course for your students to complete.
LibApps Library Content Available Add content from LibGuides, E-Reserves, LibCal, and LibAnswers directly into your Canvas course pages.
Macmillian Learning YES Available Access interactive online course materials from McMillan.
MöbiusMaplesoft YES  Available Math Placement Assessments for math placement.
McGraw Hill Campus YES  Available Access interactive online course materials from McGraw-Hill.
McGraw Hill Connect YES Available Access interactive online course materials from McGraw-Hill.
Microsoft Office 365 YES Available Access, share, and collaborate on content stored in Office 365.
Microsoft Teams Meetings YES Available Create conference calls (meetings) using the Microsoft Teams integration
NameCoach YES Available Name pronunciation tool in Canvas to promote inclusion, belonging, and rapport.
YuJa Video YES Available Video/screen capture for lectures and short lessons/tutorials; Video quizzing; Video storage.
Pearson MyLab and Mastering YES Available Access interactive online course materials from Pearson
Piazza YES Available Ask and answer questions in an asynchronous discussion format.
PollEverywhere YES Available Embed activities and export graded responses
Quizlet YES Available A library of publicly available flashcards and question sets that can be embedded in Canvas
Qwickly Attendance YES Available Educators can take online attendance and sync attendance grades with the Canvas gradebook.
Respondus Lockdown Browser YES Available Educators can use this custom browser to lock down the testing environment of an online quiz.
Tevera Available Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies Tevera centralizes outcomes management and simplifies accreditation.
TS-Watermark (Taskstream) Available Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies
Turnitin YES  Available Educators can use Turnitin for plagiarism detection; Use grading and feedback tools available in Turnitin Feedback Studio (PeerMark, QuickMarks, Turnitin Rubrics, and automated spelling and grammar checking).
Vimeo YES Available Embed online videos
Vista Higher Learning YES Available Access interactive online course materials from Vista.
WileyPLUS YES Available Access interactive online course materials from WileyPlus
W.W. Norton YES Available Access interactive online course materials from W.W. Norton.
YouTube YES Available Online Videos
Zoom YES Available Real-time video conferencing and collaboration