Class Alerts
Class Alerts shows three lists of class sections which might require attention. Classes Missing
Faculty is a list of classes with no instructor assigned. Active sections which are
Lecture, Lab, Activity, Directed Teaching, Electronic Instruction, Hybrid, Fieldwork,
Performance Workshops, Private Instruction, Reading and Conference, Project Thesis,
Thesis, or Travel courses are included.
Classes with Low Enrollment is a list of classes with fewer than 10 students which
might be subject to cancellation. The number of students enrolled reflects the combined
total if the section is cross-listed with other sections. Only Lecture, Lab, Activity,
Directed Teaching, Electronic Instruction, Hybrid, Fieldwork, Performance Workshops,
Project Thesis, Thesis, and Travel Courses are included.
Classes Over-Enrolled is a list of classes whose number of enrolled students exceeds
the section capacity (initial number of empty seats) of the class. Students are sometimes
enrolled beyond the section capacity if the student is signed in by an instructor,
or by an override through the Registrar's Office. However, the count of enrolled students
can never exceed the room capacity. The Classes Over-Enrolled list includes only active
sections which are Lecture, Lab, Activity, Directed Teaching, Electronic Instruction,
Hybrid, Fieldwork, Performance Workshop, Project Thesis, Thesis, or Travel classes.
Class Rosters
Class Rosters is an SSRS report displaying first a list of classes in an academic org for a term, then a list of students when the user clicks on a section. The student list by default loads Enrolled (including Withdrawn) students, which the user can change to include Dropped and/or Waitlisted students if applicable, similar to the Class Roster in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions. Students who removed or dropped the class prior to the first day of the term are not included.
It is also possible to view the rosters for all sections of a selection of courses
on one page (see Multiple Courses tab).
The data is usually updated every morning. The exact time is marked in the header
area. If more up-to-date registration data is needed, department assistants can access
the class roster directly in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions. Faculty will find rosters
for classes they are teaching in the Faculty Center.
Class Schedule
The Class Schedule story board contains two reports: Class Schedule Download and Class Schedule Table. The Class Schedule Download report displays course information for all courses within the selected department, such as class number, room capacity, section capacity, number of enrollments and waitlists, credits, meeting pattern, faculty name, etc. The Class Schedule Table report displays course enrollment totals, waitlist totals, section/room capacity (number and percentage). This report can be filtered down to the course type.
Classes Activated After Date
The Classes Activated After Date report allows a viewer to choose a date and a term, and sections that were activated (changed to Active status, or created with an Active status) after the chosen date will be shown, along with enrollment and status information as of the previous day. This report may be helpful when monitoring the class schedule for classes that are newly available for registration. This is a limited-access report.
Course Enrollment by First Time or Continuing Status
The Course Enrollment by First Time or Continuing Status report is intended to help academic departments determine how many seats and seat reservations may be needed for an upcoming term. The user can select a historical term and obtain the total number of students that were enrolled, whether it was their first term in the program or they were a continuing student, and whether the new students were high school or transfer admits. Students listed in the “other” category are usually permit to register students. These counts are as of our census date after the end of the fourth week of term. Sections created for transcripting classes taken through study abroad programs have been excluded from these counts. Travel courses offered by Chapman University are included.
Course Info Quality Checks
The Course Info Quality Checks report makes a series of pre-determined checks for common mistakes in the class schedule. This report may be helpful to run the day after classes have been created in Campus Solutions.
Low Course or Section Success
The Low Course/Section Success report compares the success rate of an undergraduate-level section or course to its peers. The report viewer can choose which grades do not count as success, as well as the variance threshold in order to identify courses or sections that stand out. This is a limited-access report.
Prior Lecturers
The Prior Lecturers story board displays lecturers who have taught within the last 3 years. Report viewers may choose the terms and courses of interest.
Registration Comparative-General
The Registration Comparative story board contains two reports: Registration Trend by Course and Registration Trend by Department. The Registration Trend by Course report allows the user to select a specific course and see the number of students enrolled and waitlisted for all sections on the first day of the term and on the 14th day of the term (after the add/drop deadline) over multiple terms. The Registration Trend by Department report provides a chart of either actively enrolled or waitlisted students on the 14th day for all classes within a department. These reports can be used to forecast enrollment and waitlist numbers.
Student Schedules Analysis
The Student Schedules Analysis report visualizes in aggregate format when a subset of students are in class for Monday through Friday. Analyses can be made of different populations of students by career, college, and department, and by Rinker vs. Main campuses. However, if the group of students produced by the user's selections is less than 10, no data will be shown in order to protect student privacy.
The counts shown for each hour represent the number of students who are in class for at least a portion of the hour.Waitlist Analysis
The Waitlist Analysis story board displays course information such as the waitlist total, enrollment total, section capacity, and open seats. By selecting “Interaction” the section information by course and waitlisted student information is displayed. The storyboard also includes bulk analysis, which is helpful when monitoring the waitlist situations for multiple sections or courses at once. Please note that only courses with a waitlist will be included in these reports.