- Accounts Payable
- Admissions Funnel
- Admissions Funnel (Summary)
- Applied to Graduate
- Athletics
- Budget
- Class Alerts
- Class Rosters
- Class Schedule
- Classes Activated After Date
- Course Enrollment by First Time or Continuing Status
- Course Info Quality Checks
- Degree Completions - Overall
- Degree Completions - SchoolDeptPlan
- Deposit List
- Deposit List - UA
- Enrolled Student Contact List
- Finance
- Graduate Students Not Registered
- Graduated Student Contact List
- Graduation Rates
- Grants
- Incomplete General Requirements
- Incomplete Grade Changes
- Incomplete Plan Requirements
- Incomplete Plan Requirements with Search by Course
- Institutional Data Mart (Census)
- Leave Balance by Department
- Leave Balance by Supervisor
- Location and Attribute
- Low Course or Section Success (UGRD)
- Low Student Success (DFWs)
- Payroll Reports
- Payroll with FWS
- Payroll with FWS (Restricted Access)
- Payroll with GL
- Plan Course Requirement Comparison
- Prior Lecturers
- Registration Comparative - General
- Residence Life and FYE
- Retention Rates
- Student Diversity Trend Comparisons
- Student Enrollment
- Student Enrollment (Summary)
- Student Enrollment - Rinker Trimesters
- Student Enrollment - Rinker Trimesters (Summary)
- Student Financials
- Student GPA and Credits (UGRD)
- Student Plan Diversity
- Student Schedules Analysis
- Student Worker Supervisor
- Waitlist Analysis
»Report Directory
Data Use
Data derived from the Panther Analytics reports are for internal use only and should NOT be reported to outside agencies. Panther Analytics reports are updated
once a day and currently do not populate with official census data. Only census data
should be used for external reporting. Census data can be found in the Institutional DataMart or by contacting Institutional Research and Decision Support (IRADS).