»Panther Analytics - Students in Programs Reports

Applied to Graduate

The Applied to Graduate report lists all students who have submitted their degree conferral for the term(s) selected. Degree conferral is the process of awarding the degree after all requirements have been completed; it does not refer to Commencement RSVP status. Undergraduate students are able to apply to graduate once they have completed 90 credits. This report displays the expected graduation term (selected by the student), majors, minors, and directory information such as diploma mailing address and email.


The Athletics story board contains information about student athletes and sports teams. This is a limited-access story board.

Enrolled Student Contact List

The Enrolled Student Contact List report allows users to download an Excel list of enrolled students.  The spreadsheet includes basic program and contact information.  The population included can be filtered by school, department, program level, and plan type.

Graduate Students Not Registered

The Graduate Students Not Registered story board is a list of students who are considered active but have not registered in the term the user chooses when running the report. Students may be dismissed or on probation. The last-known Academic Status is listed for each student. This is a limited-access story board.

Incomplete General Requirements

The Incomplete General Requirements report examines the completion status for undergraduate general requirements and counts the number of undergraduate students who have not completed each requirement (and are not registered for courses that would fulfill the requirement).

The numbers shown on this report are dependent on the seasonal registration cycle: after registration is opened, the numbers will go down as current students register in courses that will fulfill the requirements. During grading periods, students will begin advancing through Academic Class Levels in the upcoming term as their earned credits are recalculated.

This is a limited-access report.

Incomplete Grade Changes

The Incomplete Grade Changes report shows grade changes applying to incomplete grades after a specified date, for either a college or a subject. This is a limited access report.

Incomplete Plan Requirements

The Incomplete Plan Requirements report examines the completion status for major or minor requirements and counts the number of students who have not completed each requirement (and are not registered for courses that would fulfill the requirement). Undergraduate, graduate semester, and graduate trimester careers are available.

The numbers shown on this report are dependent on the seasonal registration cycle: after registration is opened, the numbers will go down as current students register in courses that will fulfill their major requirements. During grading periods, students will begin advancing through Academic Class Levels in the upcoming term as their earned credits are recalculated.

This is a limited-access report. It replaces the Course Requirement Completion report.

Incomplete Plan Requirements with Search by Course

The Incomplete Plan Requirements with Search by Course report is similar to the Incomplete Plan Requirements report, except that it finds requirements by the courses they include instead of the plan they belong to. This report may be preferable when trying to plan the number of seats needed for a course when that course fulfills requirements across different academic plans.

Plan Course Requirement Comparison

The Plan Course Requirement Comparison report allows a user to choose two plans (and requirement terms), then displays the courses indicated in the program evaluation data as being required for those two plans. Courses appearing in the requirements of both plans are highlighted to assist in comparison. This is a limited-access report.

Residence Life and FYE

The Residence Life and FYE story board provides first-year student enrollment status information for the Residence Life and First Year Experience team. This is a limited-access story board.

Student Enrollment

The Student Enrollment report page includes a number of reports.  The displayed information can be filtered by school, department, and program level.

  • Enrollment Counts
    • Count and FTE
    • Non-major plan type counts
    • Count by program level and load
  • Enrollment by Plan
  • Enrollment by Plan Trend
  • Basic Demographic Profile
    • by gender
    • by race/ethnicity
    • by age band

Student Details (name and contact information) are available to select groups on this version of the report.

Student Enrollment (Summary)

The Student Enrollment (Summary) report page includes the same reports as the report above, except that no student details are available.

Student Enrollment (Rinker Trimesters)

The Student Enrollment - Rinker Trimesters report page includes a number of reports. The displayed information can be filtered by school, department, plan, and start term (cohort).

  • Enrollment Counts
    • Count and FTE
    • Count by start term
    • Count by program level and load
  • Basic Demographic Profile
    • by gender
    • by race/ethnicity
    • by age band
  • Enrollment by Plan and Cohort
  • Enrollment by Plan Trend

Student Details (names and contact information) are available to select groups in this version of the report.

Student Enrollment (Rinker Trimesters) (Summary)

The Student Enrollment - Rinker Trimesters (Summary) report page includes the same reports as the version above, except that no student details are available.

Student GPA and Credits (UGRD)

The Student GPA and Credits storyboard lists all undergraduate students as well as their majors, minors, credits, and GPAs. This storyboard also enables GPA comparisons to help identify upward or downward trends for students. This is a limited-access storyboard.

Student Plan Diversity

These Student Plan Diversity reports show a 5-year trend for the gender and ethnicity of students in a plan. Only students who were officially enrolled in the term are included. Plans with very few students may not appear.


Data Use

Data derived from the Panther Analytics reports are for internal use only and should NOT be reported to outside agencies. Panther Analytics reports are updated once a day and currently do not populate with official census data. Only census data should be used for external reporting. Census data can be found in the Institutional DataMart or by contacting Institutional Research and Decision Support (IRADS).