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Institutional Compliance

»Frequently Asked Questions


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What types of situations should I report?

EthicsPoint should be used for situations, events or actions by individuals or groups that you believe carry a negative impact on Chapman University’s reputation and financial well-being or are detrimental to productivity or personal safety.

Are there any situations that should not be reported through EthicsPoint?

EthicsPoint is not a 911 or emergency services. Do not use EthicsPoint to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property or another emergency. Reports submitted through EthicsPoint may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please call 911.

Why should I report what I know? What’s in it for me?

We all have the right to work in a positive environment and with that right comes the responsibility of acting in an ethical manner and letting the appropriate people know if someone is not acting appropriately. By working together, we can maintain a healthy and productive environment.

Does management really want me to report?

We certainly do. In fact, we need you to report. You know what is going on in our University- both good and bad. You may have initial knowledge of an activity that may be cause for concern. Your reporting can minimize the potential negative impact on the University and our community. Also, offering positive input may help identify issues that can improve and promote a positive work environment.

Reporting Process

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What happens after I file my report?

Chapman University assures that reports submitted via EthicsPoint will be handled promptly and discretely. No retaliatory action will be taken against a Chapman community member for reporting or inquiring in good faith about potential breaches of Chapman University’s policies or seeking guidance on how to handle suspected breaches. Reports submitted through EthicsPoint will be given careful attention by Chapman University and is designed to maintain your confidentiality and anonymity at every step.

How do I follow up with more information or hear about the outcome of a report?

By using your report key and password, you can access your report in EthicsPoint throughout the investigation process—from initial review through resolution and closure. It is important that you check the system regularly for updates. The University may reach out to you through EthicsPoint to ask questions or request further information to aid their investigation.

Unless you choose to identify yourself, all interactions with EthicsPoint are anonymous.

Please note that the results of our investigations are confidential in order to protect reporters and other individuals providing information to the investigation. However, if upon closure of a report you continue observe inappropriate behavior, we encourage you to submit an additional report.

Reporting Security & Confidentiality

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Can the EthicsPoint report be traced back to me?

No. Calls are not traced or recorded. EthicsPoint does not generate or maintain any internal connection logs with IP addresses, so no information linking your computer to EthicsPoint is available. You may submit your report from any Internet portal (work, home, or public computer), and the EthicsPoint system strips away Internet addresses to maintain complete anonymity.

What protection do I have when I report?

Chapman strictly prohibits retaliation against any member of its community for reporting or inquiring in good faith about suspected wrongful or unlawful activity or participating in an investigation or proceeding relating to such activity. The University considers such actions to be protected activities in which all members of its community may freely engage without worry of negative consequence as a direct result.

Reports will be handled as promptly and discreetly as possible, with facts made available only to those who need to know to investigate and resolve the matter. EthicsPoint and the University are committed to safeguarding the confidentiality of individuals who submit reports.

Does EthicsPoint replace existing reporting channels?

EthicsPoint supplements the many existing reporting channels across the University. Ideally, you should report any concerns to your direct supervisor so that possible violations of policy or law can be addressed promptly and appropriately. We recognize, however, that there may be circumstances when you are not comfortable reporting an issue in this manner. We would rather you report anonymously through EthicsPoint than keep the information to yourself.

What if my supervisor or other manager is involved in the violation? Will they get a copy of the report?

Conflict screening is built into the report review and investigation process. Initially EthicsPoint ensures that any individual identified in a report will not receive system notification or have access to the report. The University performs additional conflicts screening to ensure that it will not include any individual who has a conflict or is cited in the report.

Ethics Anonymous Reporting Helpline

Chapman University has contracted with an outside provider, Ethicspoint, Inc. to receive reports regarding concerns over financial irregularities (and similar ethics related matters).

For more information on when and how to report, refer to the Ethical Concerns Brochure.

Click below to file a report.