»2014 Environmental Audit

In the Spring of 2014, the second graduating class of the Environmental Science and Policy Program researched the overall water and landscaping processes at Chapman University. The audit presents the findings and recommendations from the research conducted, and is an extension of the first environmental audit.

The five areas that were selected for this audit include: Academic Buildings, Residential Buildings, New Construction, Water Features, and Landscaping Alternatives. Each chapter provides an introduction, followed by a brief history of the area at Chapman, its current status, and a concluding assessment with recommendations.

Ultimately, the 2014 Environmental Audit provides information on specific areas of campus life and operations with regards to the level of sustainability they maintain. The information provided in each of the five chapters serves as a baseline for future generations of students and administration to reflect upon when considering growth at Chapman.

View the 2014 Environmental Audit Executive Summary

Academic Buildings

Academic Buildings make up the largest portion of Chapman’s campus and require water for internal use and for landscaping surrounding the buildings. Internal water is used in bathrooms and for the HVAC systems. This chapter compares four buildings as a case study for water usage on campus.

Residential Buildings

50% of Chapman's water use comes from the residential buildings. As the university continues to grow amid the current drought, water use specifically in the residence halls will continue to be important. While certain initiatives are already being implemented to reduce water use by residential students, including the installation of low-flow showerheads, more steps can be taken to ensure Chapman uses water more conscientiously.

New Construction

With intentions to further expand the university in order to accommodate a growing student population, new construction projects are the first step in developing a commitment to sustainability. From construction practices to building materials, the effects of new construction cannot be ignored.

Water Features

This chapter looks deeper into water features at Chapman such as the fountains, pools, and water bottle refilling stations. From this analysis, various recommendations can be made, including decreasing the Allred Olympic pool’s temperature and providing students with incentives to use reusable water bottles.

Landscaping Alternatives

Landscaping plays an integral role in creating an attractive and positive learning environment at Chapman University, but its costs are subject to California's drought conditions and the rising scarcity of water. Cost-effective and water-saving alternatives have been identified to create more sustainable landscaping on the Chapman campus.