• awards and grants
Dodge College of Film and Media Arts

Awards and Grants

»Dodge College Grants and Awards

Below are listings of the many grants and awards available to current Dodge College students. Dodge College would like to thank all of the donors and sponsors who generously support our students. 

Project Awards and Grants

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Jim Deck Memorial Award

Eligible: Producer-initiated Undergrad Thesis Projects
Funds applied to: Thesis production
Applications open: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 (2024-25 academic year)
Applications close: 8:00 a.m., Friday, Oct. 11, 2024

The Jim Deck Memorial Award is a need and merit-based award available to undergraduate students to be used towards production costs related to their producer-initiated narrative senior thesis project. The purpose of this grant is to provide the valuable resources needed for production in the amount of $3,000.

Submit your application using the Jim Deck Memorial Application form.

Leo Freedman First Cut Fellowship in Film Grant

Eligible: Graduate and Undergraduate filmmakers (Narrative and Documentary)
Funds applied to: Thesis production
Applications open: Friday, Oct. 18, 2024 (2024-25 academic year)
Applications close at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 8, 2024.

This grant provides funding for unusual or special production-specific expenses incurred in the making of a Graduate Thesis or Senior Thesis (Narrative and Documentary) production. A special expense is defined as an expense that is out of the ordinary in relation to usual production costs. In the past, grants have been awarded to offset the cost of a process trailer, an unusual location, accommodations and per diem for a distant location shoot, cast airfare, and stunt coordinator among others.

Grants range from $500-$3,000 and will be awarded to a limited number of projects. Projects can submit retroactively for funds, but will be considered alongside all project submissions at that time. 

Though the deadlines below list a specific cycle number, this is just a recommendation for each cycle. Projects can also submit retroactively for funds, but will be considered alongside all project submissions at that time.  

Awarded funds will be disbursed in Spring 2025.

Submit your application using the Leo Freedman Application Form.

Senior Thesis Producer Initiated Award

Eligible: Undergraduate Filmmakers
Funds applied to: Senior thesis production
Applications open: 2024-25 applications are now closed. Applications open annually during the Spring semester as part of the Senior Thesis Script Submission Process. Prospective Seniors should monitor their student email accounts for detailed notices of submission deadlines in Spring.

The Senior Thesis Producer Initiated Award provides funds for senior thesis projects originated by a producer. Producers must be Creative Producing majors with junior standing who are eligible to enroll in Senior Thesis the following fall. The final story idea submitted must have originated from the producer, whether it be an original concept/script or an underlying property discovered by/originated with the producer. The script cannot be written by the director. The producer maintains creative control of the project, has final cut, and is financially responsible for the project. At the time of submission the producer must have a senior thesis eligible director attached to the project in order to be considered. Directors attached to a producer initiated project will not be permitted to direct a second senior thesis project. This award submission process is administrated by Production Management as part of the yearly spring semester senior thesis script submission process for the following academic year. Award funds are tied to the specific project submitted, and should the project be abandoned, access to the funds will be surrendered. In the past awards of up to $7,500 were awarded to projects.

Women of Chapman Endowed Student Filmmaker Award

Eligible: Undergraduate Narrative filmmakers
Funds applied to: Thesis production
Application open: Applications are currently open
Application close: 8:00 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 23, 2024

The Women of Chapman Endowed Student Filmmaker Award is a need and merit-based award available to undergraduate students to be used towards production costs related to their upcoming senior thesis project. This award provides the valuable resources necessary for productions that have a unique concept and/or distinctive opportunity intrinsic to the development of the story. Selection process requires an application, an in-person pitch to the donors, and attendance to their summer luncheon.  


Submit your application using the Women of Chapman Application Form.

Zonta Awards

Eligible: All student filmmakers
Funds applied to: Thesis production
Applications open: Friday, Nov. 1, 2024 (2024-25 academic year)
Applications close: 8:00 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 15, 2024

The Zonta Awards are open to all graduates and undergraduates including narrative and documentary filmmakers. Award One is given to a female student who shows exemplary skills to be successful in the film industry. Note: this is to the individual, not any project. Award Two is given to a thesis production that helps raise awareness of women’s issues. This award is retroactive to the beginning of the Fall semester. The Zonta Awards are handed out during the annual Zonta Film Festival.


Submit your application using the Zonta Awards Form.


Below are some of the most popular questions we receive. Please reach out to ftvawards@chapman.edu with any additional questions.

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My thesis production is coming up soon and we predict large expenses. Is there anything we can apply for?

Yes, there absolutely is! The “Student Production/Project Awards” tab above should be able to help you, but make sure to plan ahead. Some awards are awarded in the year before you go into production for your thesis.

We’ve got some additional expenses for our AP/IP. Can we apply for any production awards?

Unfortunately, all of our production awards and grants are driven to support thesis productions.

I was accepted to Chapman and am looking for scholarships to help with my tuition. What is available?

Dodge College does not control the tuition scholarships available. Please contact the financial aid office to ask if there is anything the university can do to support you.

I see the above timelines available for each grant. How/when will I hear that the application is open?

Keep an eye on your student email. Every application process is announced through email. Generally, it is also included in the Slate, the Dodge College weekly newsletter for current students.

What do I need to apply for a project grant?

Every award/grant has a unique application process specific to its review. Each selection committee understands the academic cycle and we will not ask you for something that is unfeasible.