The TPI Network strives to discover the barriers to quality of life for people with disabilities of all ages and to mitigate those barriers through identifying, understanding, making others aware, and to mobilizing communities through changes in perceptions, laws, regulations and actions. Barriers can be physical, like a curb-cut, however, barriers are frequently social, conceptual and perceptional.
Cory, R., White, J., Stuckey, Z. (2010). Using disability theory to change disability
services: A case study in student activism. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 23(1), 29-36.
Cosier, M. (2012). “The road less traveled”: Combining disability studies and quantitative analysis with medium and large data sets. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 37(2), 81-88.
Cosier, M., & Ashby, C. (Eds.). (2016). Enacting change from within: Disability Studies meets teaching and teacher education. New York, NY: Peter Lang
Cosier, M., & Ferguson, P. M. (2012). Disability studies and the support of individuals with significant disabilities and their families: An introduction to the issues. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 37(2), 67-69.
Cosier, M., & Pearson, H. (2016). Can we talk?: The underdeveloped dialogue between teacher education and Disability Studies.
Maples, J., Arndt, K., & White, J. (2010). (Re)seeing The Mighty: Critically examining one film’s representations of disability in the English classroom. English Journal, 100(2), 77-85. (Disability Studies/Social Perception)
Pearson, H., Cosier, M., Kim, J., Gomez, A., Hines, C., McKee, A., & Ruiz, L. (2016).
The impact of Disability Studies curriculum on education professionals' perspectives
and practice: Implications for education, social justice, and social change. Disability Studies Quarterly, 36(2).