»Derek Prate, B.S.

Instructor, Fowler School of Engineering
Email: prate@chapman.edu


2011 - 2014

B.S. in Game Design, Full Sail University

2016 - 2018

CTE Preliminary Credential, Orange County Department of Education



Game Designer at DIGGames

2013 - 2015

Game Designer at JumpStart


Professor Prate earned his bachelor’s degree in game design in 2014, while working at an educational games studio designing and building multi-platform games for JumpStart, DreamWorks and the NFL. During that time his focus shifted to the academic theory behind game design, development and immersion. Professor Prate’s research interests involve designing and developing multiplayer network virtual reality modules for special needs audiences. His primary interests include AR/VR technology, game design theory, Unity and Unreal programming, player immersion, game flow, user experience, usability and analytics.