»E. LouAnne Boyd, Ph.D.

E. LouAnne Boyd, Ph.D.Assistant Professor, Fowler School of Engineering
Email: lboyd@chapman.edu


2014 - 2018

Ph.D. in Informatics, Dept. of Informatics, University of California, Irvine (Mentor: Prof. Gillian Hayes)

1994 - 1996

M.A. in Psychology, Dept. of Psychology, Towson University

1987 - 1991

B.A. in Psychology, Dept. of Psychology, Washington University in Saint Louis


Dr. Boyd’s research interests center around the design, development and evaluation of novel technologies to support neurodiverse populations. Current projects are investigating the efficacy of a new interaction design framework drawn from neuroscience theories to accommodate sensory impairments. Specific projects under investigation include the development of technologies to increase the accessibility of information for people with autism, ADHD, anxiety, dyslexia and sensory impairments.