Multi-media collaborative classroom from Rinker room 207
Classroom Technology

»Classroom Technology

Classroom Technology builds the physical spaces and supplies the hardware for technology-rich classrooms. Here are some of the exciting projects and work we're doing to improve the physical learning environment for our campus.

Zoom-Enabled Classrooms

Most Chapman classrooms at both Orange and Rinker campuses are Zoom-enabled. Zoom-enabled classrooms allow instructors to:

  • bring in guest speakers
  • record their lectures or class sessions
  • provide live and/or auto-transcription when needed


You will want to look up your classroom, check the Room Type, and explore the resources on how to use your Zoom-enabled classroom.

Video Storage and Web-Conferencing Solutions

The video creation, sharing, and storage platform at Chapman University is currently YuJa. 


The web-conferencing platforms available are Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet.


The integrated web-conferencing platforms in Canvas are currently Zoom and BigBlueButton.


YuJa training resources | YuJa blog posts and news

Zoom resources | Zoom blog posts and news

BigBlueButton resources | BigBlueButton blog posts and news

Inventory Tool

To help instructors make better use of their classrooms, Classroom Technology built an online tool so instructors know what technologies they can expect in their scheduled room. This will help instructors request specific classrooms if they have specific technological needs.


Online Classroom Inventory

Schedule Training

Schedule in-person classroom tech assistance. A technician will meet you in your classroom and walk you through how to use the technology. This is best done during the summer when the rooms are more readily available. 

  • Orange Campus: Visit the IS&T Bookings page and select In-Person | Classroom Tech Assist (Dodge College or Orange Campus).
  • Rinker Campus: Visit the IS&T Bookings page and select In-Person | Classroom/Conference Room Tech Assist-Rinker.

Classroom Technology Guides

  • Would you like an overview of the classroom audio-visual technology, such as how to present from the classroom computer or your laptop? Using the Classroom AV Technology
  • Interested in teaching untethered using the Apple TV in your classroom? Teaching Untethered with Apple TV
  • Need to review how to use Zoom in your classroom?  Check out the following video playlist.