Who can help me...
Adjust the temperature in a room?
Contact Law Operations.
Career assistance and resources?
The Career Services Office
Acquire financial support to attend a career fair or event?
Career Services Office or Jessica John, Esq., Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Identify my assigned career counselor?
Login to Symplicity
Reset my Symplicity password?
Current students: Career Services Office
Alumni: Career Services Office
Search for jobs (other than Symplicity which posts paid and unpaid positions)?
Job search websites
Improve my academic performance?
Sarira Sadeghi, Director of Academic Achievement
Gain access to the building, a specific room or the law library?
Contact Law Operations
Get the following documents?
Law school examinations, procedures and exam numbers
Program evaluation/graduation requirements
Transcripts, enrolment verification letters and certification forms
Unofficial transcripts for job applications
The Registrar's Office or lawregistrar@chapman.edu
Plan my schedule for next semester?
Jessica John, Esq., Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Honor code violation advice?
Jessica John, Esq., Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Obtain a leave of absence?
Jessica John, Esq., Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Obtain disability accommodations?
Jessica John, Esq., Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Plan an event or reserve a room for a student organization?
Jonathan Smith, Events Coordinator
Post flyers on digital signs?
Jonathan Smith, Events Coordinator
Start a new student organization at the law school?
Jessica John, Esq., Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Study abroad in the summer?
Richard Redding, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Switch between full-time and part-time status?
Richard Redding, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Visit another law school for a semester?
Richard Redding, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs