»Computers and Technology at the Library Libraries

Technology available for checkout

Chapman University has invested in technology in order to transform our Leatherby Libraries into the library of the future. The following media devices are available for checkout:

  • Calculators:
    • Graphing – TI 84 Plus
    • Financial – HP 10bII & HP 10bII+
    • Scientific – TI-30Xa & TI 30X IIS
  • Cassette Players
  • CD/DVD External Drive - ASUS LITE Portable USB 2.0 Slim 8X DVD/ Burner +/- Rewriter
  • Charging Cables:
    • Apple – Lightning to USB
    • USB Type-C
  • Dual Audio Jacks
  • Headphones
  • Power Stations – OMNI 20 Equipped with wireless charging, two fast-charging USB ports, and a 100W AC outlet
  • Slide Viewers

Media Devices – Reserve Checkout Policies

  • Media Devices are available on a first come, first served basis and cannot be placed on hold.
  • You must present your Chapman ID at checkout.
  • Items need to be returned to the Leatherby Libraries Circulation Department at the time and date indicated on your receipt.
  • Media devices may be used outside of the library, but cannot be checked out past the library operating hours.
  • Reserve items are not renewable by telephone or online.
  • Return media devices to a library assistant at the Circulation Desk. Do not leave on the front counter or in the book drops.
  • Fees for late return are $1.00 per hour. Fees apply for any part of the hour past due.

The Leatherby Libraries at Chapman University offers media devices as a courtesy service. The University disclaims all warranties, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. By borrowing a media device, the borrower agrees that the University shall not be liable to the borrower or any other person for any loss or damage of any kind related to configuration and operation of the media device, including but not limited to, out-of-pocket expenses, consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of data, loss of profits, loss of use, emotional stress, physical injury, or damage to software or hardware.

Computers and Labs

You will find over 100 computers available for use throughout the Leatherby Libraries. Your Chapman username and password are required to use most of them. 

Copy, Print and Fax

Copy Machine

Copy machines are located throughout the Leatherby Libraries for usage by the Chapman Family. Please adhere to the following rules: 

  • Limit your copying to 10 minutes if others are waiting.
  • NO REFUNDS will be given for incorrect paper size, orientation of originals, reductions/enlargements, etc. and all other user errors.
  • Read instructions carefully. The library does not staff a key operator to assist with copying.
  • DO NOT press down on the lid when copying as you may break the glass.
  • Copy machines are shut down 15 minutes prior to closing.


The copier that is located in the 1st FL Lewis Family Lounge next to the vending machines now has faxing capabilities. 

Students, staff and faculty can now use the copier to send faxes only. Receiving faxes will no longer be available. In order to fax a Chapman University ID with an active declining balance account must be present.

There is no cost to send a fax but a declining balance of at least $0.10 is required to activate the fax feature on the copier. Unfortunately, neither cash or coin can be used to activate the fax feature. There are faxing instructions posted on the wall behind the copier. 

Questions may directed to the Circulation department at (714) 532-7723.


Printers are located in many of the Library's computer labs for usage by members of the Chapman Family with access.

Class of 2008 Scholars' Corner

Digital Microform Scanner

While other microfilm machines in the Leatherby Libraries only allow for reading and printing, the digital microform scanner allows you to create digital files from microfilm, microfiche, opaque cards, photographs, transparencies, and more!

You can save your digitization to a flash drive, burn them to a CD, email them to yourself, or print them. The scanner is easy to use and allows you to have control over brightness, contrast, sharpness, inverted images and more. In addition, the library has developed illustrated user-friendly guides for differing levels of scanning: easy (for quick viewing and printing), intermediate (for medium quality image capture), and advanced (for very high resolution, high quality images). These guides can be found in printed form immediately next to the scanner itself. This station is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Simply log in to the PC with your Chapman credentials.

Large-format Scanning PC

This PC’s scanner will scan documents up to 8 ½ by 14 inches in size (larger than most common scanners). You may save your work onto a CD, USB flash drive or email the files to yourself.