Bobby Dexter

Bobby Dexter

Dale E. Fowler School of Law
Expertise: Tax Law; Business Law
Office Location: Kennedy Hall 408
Scholarly Works:
SSRN Author Page
Yale University, Bachelor of Arts
Harvard University, Juris Doctor


Professor Bobby Dexter joined the full-time law faculty at Chapman after serving as a tax partner in the Chicago office of Foley & Lardner, LLP, and later at a "Big Four" accounting firm. With the endorsement of the Chapman University Board of Trustees, he was added to the ranks of the tenured faculty as professor of law in 2010. Professor Dexter's scholarship focuses on tax law and policy and has appeared in numerous journals, including the Harvard Law Review, the University of Pittsburgh Law Review, Tulane Law Review, the University of Kansas Law Review, the Denver University Law Review and the Mercer Law Review. In addition to traditional legal scholarship, Professor Dexter has also produced substantial, practice-oriented literature. He co-authored (as principal draftsman) annuities, life insurance, and long-term care insurance products, one of the many works in the well-regarded Tax Management Portfolio series published by the Bureau of National Affairs. He also co-edited the life insurance company chapter of the Mertens Federal Income Taxation treatise.

As presenter or discussant, Professor Dexter has appeared at various conferences in the United States and abroad, including the Global Conference on Transparency Research, the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, the National People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference, Critical Tax Conferences/Workshops, and annual or special meetings of the Law & Society Association, the Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS) and the ABA Section of Taxation. 

Professor Dexter received his BA, magna cum laude, from Yale University and his J.D. from Harvard Law School, where he served on the Editorial Board of the Harvard Law Review with U.S. President Barack Obama. 

Courses Taught: Business Associations, Federal Income Taxation, Tax of Business Organizations and Federal Income Tax.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

BOBBY L. DEXTER, Teacher's Manual to FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION IN FOCUS (Aspen/Wolters Kluwer Law & Business) (2018)
Bobby L. Dexter, The Hate Exclusion: Moral Tax Equity for Damages Received for Race, Sex, or Sexual Orientation Discrimination, 13 Pitt. Tax Rev. 197 (2016)