Dr. Gokcen Balli

Dr. Gokcen Balli

Associate Professor, Associate Dean of Faculty and Research
The George L. Argyros College of Business and Economics, Economic Science Institute
Office Location: Beckman Hall 303L
Bilkent University, Bachelor of Science
Bilkent University, Master of Business Admin.
Auburn University, Master of Science
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Ph.D.


Associate Dean of Faculty Development and Research, Ph.D., University of
Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Coskuner-Balli's main research interest includes
cultural and ideological shaping of consumer-market relationships. Her
current research examines the context of emergent lifestyle segments in
which new social roles, cultural identities, and brand relationships are
being forged through innovative interactions with the commercial
marketplace. Within this context her research explores the role of
consumption in creation and legitimization of non-traditional social
identities in the marketplace.  Coskuner-Balli's work has been published
in Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Culture and Association of Consumer Research.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

Coskuner-Balli, Gokcen and Burcak Ertimur (2023), "Glocalization of Marketplace Cultures," in Consumer Culture Theory, eds. Eric J. Arnould and Craig J. Thompson, Sage Publications Inc.: Thousand Oaks, 125-150.
Gokcen Coskuner-Balli (2020), "Citizen-Consumers Wanted: Revitalizing the American Dream in the Face of Economic Recessions, 1981-2012," Journal of Consumer Research, October (47), 327-49.
Gokcen Coskuner-Balli and Samantha N.N. Cross (2018), "Power and Gender Dynamics in Contemporary Families," The Routledge Companion to Consumer Behavior, eds. Michael R. Solomon and Tina M. Lowrey, Routledge: New York.
Gokcen Coskuner-Balli and Burcak Ertimur (2018), "Glocalization of Marketplace Cultures," in Consumer Culture Theory, eds. Eric J. Arnould and Craig J. Thompson, Sage Publications Inc.:Thousand Oaks, 125-150.
Gokcen Coskuner-Balli and Gulnur Tumbat (2017), "Performing Free Enabling Performative Structures of Free Trade," Marketing Theory, 17 (1): 31-50.
Gokcen Coskuner-Balli and Burcak Ertimur (2017), "Legitimation of Hybrid Cultural Products: The Case of American Yoga," Marketing Theory, 17(2): 127-47.
Ertimur, Burcak and Coskuner-Balli, Gokcen (2015), “Navigating the Institutional Logics of Markets: Implications for Strategic Brand Management,” Journal of Marketing, 79(2): 40-61.
Gokcen Coskuner-Balli and Ozlem Sandikci (2014), “The Aura of New Goods: How Consumers Mediate Newness,” Journal of Consumer Behavior, 13, 122-130.
Gokcen Coskuner-Balli (2013), “Market Practices of Legitimacy: The Case of Consumer Culture Theory,” Marketing Theory, 13 (2), 193-211.
Gokcen Coskuner-Balli and Craig Thompson (2013), “The Status Costs of Subordinate Cultural Capital: At-Home Fathers’ Collective Pursuit of Cultural Legitimacy through Capitalizing Consumption Practices,” Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (June), 19-41.
Gokcen Coskuner-Balli and Burcak Ertimur (2012) “Viewing Gender as a Value-Creative Resource ” in Gender, Culture, and Consumer Behavior, editors Linda Tuncay and Cele Otnes, Sussex, UK: Psychology Press.