Lynne Doti

Dr. Lynne Doti

Professor Emerita of Economics and Business Administration
The George L. Argyros College of Business and Economics
Scholarly Works:
Digital Commons
California State University, Fullerton, Bachelor of Arts
California State University, Fullerton, Master of Arts
University of California, Riverside, Ph.D.


Lynne Doti, the David and Sandra Stone Professor of Economics at Chapman University, has taught at Chapman since 1971. She became interested in the role of entrepreneurs as director of the Leatherby Center for Entrepreneurship and Ethics where she met a number of the successful business owners in Orange County, CA. She was on the board of Eldorado Bank, Tustin, when it sold for a record multiple. In 2006 she helped organize Plaza Bank, Irvine, and served on its board of directors.

Lynne is the author of Banking in an Unregulated Environment and co-author with Larry Schweikart of California Bankers, Banking in the American West and American Entrepreneur. She has also written 25 articles on banking, using history as a laboratory to test theories of branching, structure and regulation and served as the editor of Essays in Economic and Business History, an academic journal. The Economic and Business History Society elected her president twice.

Involvement in community issues resulted in her serving as chair of the Orange City Budget Committee, as a finance commissioner for the city of Anaheim and several state and national political programs.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

Lynne P. Doti, Financing California Real Estate: Spanish Missions to subprime mortgages, Routledge, 2016.
Doti, Lynne Pierson. Banking in an Unregulated Environment: California 1878-1905. Routledge, March 2014.
Chinese Translation of American Entrepreneur. Yilin Press, 2012.
Julia Ott. When Wall Street Met Main Street: The Quest for an Investors’ Democracy for Journal of American History 2012 99: 332-3. ijkey=RvKVvySbsrQt9ms&keytype=ref
Korean translation. Great Companies, Time Books, Co Ltd, 2010.
American Entrepreneur: The Fascinating Stories of the People Who Defined Business in the United States (AMACOM, A division of the American Management Association)
"History of Banking in Oklahoma" Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History. Oklahoma Historical Society, 2010.
"Penn Square Bank" in Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History. Oklahoma Historical Society, 2010.
Review of "Robert Fuller, Drifting Toward Mayhem: the Bank Crisis in the United States, 1930-1933 in Pacific Northwest Quarterly vol 101, 2010 pp. 164-5.