Dr. Roberta Lessor

Dr Roberta Lessor

Professor Emerita of Sociology
Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Department of Sociology Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences; Health Sciences
California State University, Los Angeles, Bachelor of Science
University of California, Los Angeles, Master of Science
University of California, San Francisco, Ph.D.


Roberta Lessor (Ph.D., University of California, San Francisco) is a Professor of Sociology. As a medical sociologist she has published on women's health and reproductive technologies. Her research also concerns work and organizations, focusing specifically on women in the workplace. She has published social-historical work on working women, focusing on flight attendants as a model for women's changing workforce participation in the second half of the 20th century. She is co-author, with Myron Yeager and Eldon Griffiths, of the Hutton Story, examining Betty Hutton's work in business and philanthropy. She has participated in and studied international learning communities. Her current work includes research on framing processes in relation to health care issues, and the use of frame analysis to examine academic administration and university change.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

2015 R. Lessor, S. Karwande, Ashley Nieto, Lauren Rhodes. 2015. "Driven to Distraction--Distracted Driving and the Larger Problem of Distracted Living." Annual Meeting, Pacific Sociological Association, Long Beach, CA
2014 R. Lessor. 2014. "Global Education: Learning Communities, Undergraduate Research and Reflexivity." 2014 Global University Summit, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
D. Snow and R. Lessor. 2012. “Consciousness, Conscience, and Social Movements.” The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. Edited by D. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans, and D. McAdam. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., in press
R. Lessor. 2012. “Self-Help Movement(s).” The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. Edited by D. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans, and D. McAdam. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., in press
R. Lessor. 2012. Review, Sociology of Diagnosis (Advances in Medical Sociology, Vol. 12), Edited by P.J. McGann and David J. Hutson, Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2011, 362 pp., cloth, ISBN: 978-0-85724-575-5 in Contemporary Sociology, in press.
D. Snow and R. Lessor. 2010. “Frame Hazards in the Health Arena: The Cases of Obesity, Work Related Illnesses, and Human Egg Donation.” In Social Movements and the Transformation of U. S. Health Care, edited by J. Banaszak-Holl, M. Zald, and S. Levitsky. New York: Oxford University Press.
Lessor, Roberta (2010) Aims of Education XVIII: The Value of a College Education: Asking Big Questions