Dr. Surya Nauli

Dr. Surya Nauli

School of Pharmacy
Expertise: Primary Cilium; Vascular Diseases; Polycystic; Kidney Diseases
Office Location: Rinker Health Science Campus 272
Scholarly Works:
Digital Commons
Minnesota State University-Mankato, Bachelor of Science
Loma Linda University, Ph.D.


Surya Nauli received his doctorate education in Pharmacology from Loma Linda Medical School.  He completed his NIH fellowship at Harvard Medical School followed by his appointment as an Instructor in Medicine.  He then joined the University of Toledo and was promoted to tenured Associate Professor.  In 2014, Dr. Nauli accepted a professor position in the Department of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Sciences at Chapman University School of Pharmacy.  Specific areas currently under investigation in his laboratory include (1) molecular, cellular, and biophysical studies of primary cilia; (2) chemical screening for pharmacological candidates in vitro; and (3) development of a more efficient in vivo system to further characterize the cilia-targeting therapy in vascular and kidney diseases. 

For inquiry, please visit  http://sites.chapman.edu/nauli/

Research Interests 

Main Research Area includes:

  • Cilia Biology
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications