
Dr. Tara Barnhart

Assistant Professor
Attallah College of Educational Studies
Expertise: Science Education; Secondary Education; Teacher Learning Using Video; Teacher Noticing; Teacher Reflection;
Whittier College, Bachelor of Arts
Whittier College, Master of Arts
University of California, Irvine, Ph.D.


Tara Barnhart joined Attallah College in 2018. After earning her BA in Biology and MA in Education from Whittier College, Tara spent the next 12 and a half years teaching high school science. She earned her National Board Certification in Science for Early Adolescence and Young Adulthood in 2006 and completed her Ph.D. in Education with an emphasis in learning, cognition, and development from the University of California at Irvine in 2016. She has been involved in teacher preparation since 2007. Tara’s research interests include teacher noticing, the use of video in teacher learning, and science teacher preparation. She is also a mother, a runner, and a lover of nerdy things.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

Barnhart, T. (2021). Examining an activity system of learners, tools, and tasks in a video club. In D. Gedera & A. Zalipour (Eds.) Video Pedagogies. Springer.