Trisha Sugita

Dr. Trisha Sugita

Associate Professor, Director of Teacher Education; Instructional Faculty
Attallah College of Educational Studies
Expertise: Inclusive Education; Disability Studies; Family-School Partnerships; Autism
Office Location: Reeves Hall
Chapman University, Master of Arts
Chapman University, Ph.D.


Dr. Trisha Sugita is the Director of the Teacher Education program and Instructional Associate Professor of Special Education in the Attallah College of Educational Studies at Chapman University. Dr. Sugita's extensive K-12 experience includes developing programs and curriculum to support special education programs, handling parent concerns regarding special education policies and procedures, professional development in the areas of co-teaching, universal design for learning, and strategies to support culturally diverse students. She holds and Education Specialist credential in both Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Severe Disabilities.  Dr. Sugita's research interests include inclusive schooling, intervention, minorities and special education, and family/school partnerships.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

Kong, J. E., & Sugita, T. (2022). Word problem solving interventions for students with mathematical disability. EBSCO Pathways to Research in Education. EDU015, 1-12.
Yeh, C., Sugita, T., & Tan, P. (2020). Reimagining inclusive spaces for mathematics learning. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pk-12, 113(9), 708-714. doi:10.5951/MTLT.2019.0101
Lambert, R., Sugita, T., Yeh, C., Hunt, J. & Brophy, S. (2020). Documenting increased participation of a student with autism in the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Journal of Educational Psychology, 11(3), 494-513.
Van Boxtel, J., & Sugita, T. (2019). Exploring the implementation of lesson-level UDL principles through an observation protocol. International Journal for Inclusive Education. doi: 10.1080/13603116.2019.1655596
Hunt, J., MacDonald, B., Lambert, R., Sugita, T., & Silva, J. (2018). “Think, Pair, Share”: UDLizing talk moves to increase classroom discourse. Teaching Children Mathematics, 25(2), 78-84.
Lambert, R., & Sugita, T. (2016) Increasing engagement of students with learning disabilities in mathematical problem-solving and discussion. Support for Learning, 31(4), 348-366.
Sugita, T. (2016). Current trends in psychological and educational approaches for training and teaching children with Autism. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education. 9(2), 307-316.
Nishimura, T., & Busse, R.T. (2016). Content validation of the Scale of Teacher Attitudes towards Inclusive Classrooms. International Journal of Special Education, 31(2), 186-190.
Nishimura, T., & Busse, R.T. (2015). A factor analytic validation study of the Scale of Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclusive Classrooms (STATIC). International Journal of Special Education, 30(3), 1-7.
Nishimura, T. (2014). Effective professional development of teachers: A guide to actualizing inclusive schooling. International Journal of Whole Schooling 10(1), 19-42.