ECHO Collaborators
Ghassem Asrar, Ph.D.
VPR-VP Research, University of Maryland
Eun-Chul Chang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Kongju National University, South Korea
George Galanis, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Section of Mathematics, Greek Naval Academy, Greece and Researcher,
Atmospheric Modeling and Weather Forecasting Group, Physics Department, University
of Athens, Greece
Katsumi Hattori, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
George Kallos, Ph.D.
Professor, University of Athens, School of Physics and Director, Division of Environmental
Physics, and Meteorology and Senior Research Associate, SUNY/ASRC, Albany, NY and
Research Professor
Vassilis Karastathis, Ph.D.
Research Director, National Observatory of Athens, Athens, Greece
Hyungjun Kim, Ph.D.
Project Associate Professor, University of Tokyo, Japan
Woo-Kyun Lee, Ph.D.
Professor, Korea University, South Korea
Yungon Lee, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Chungnam National University, South Korea
Chul-Hee Lim, Ph.D.
Research Professor, Korea University, South Korea
Xue Liu, Ph.D.
CGA Fellow, Harvard University
David Medvigy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame
Boksoon Myoung, Ph.D.
Researcher, APEC Climate Center (APCC), Busan, South Korea
Son Nghiem, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Murat Oz, Ph.D.
Faculty of Pharmacy, Kuwait University
Jeremy Pal, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science, Loyola Marymount
Seon K. Park, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering Director, Center for
Climate/Environment Change Prediction Research (CCCPR) Director, Severe Storm Research
Center (SSRC) Ewha Womans University
Michele Romolini, Ph.D.
Research Scientist, Departments of Biology and Environmental Studies Director of Research,
Center for Urban Resilience Loyola Marymount University
José Sánchez, Ph.D.
Research Economist, US Forest Service
Henry P. Stapp, Ph.D.
Quantum Mechanics Collaborator, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Eric G. Strauss, Ph.D.
President's Professor of Biology, Executive Director, Loyola Marymount University
Center For Urban Resilience, Seaver College of Science & Engineering
Patrick Taylor, Ph.D.
Geophysicist, NASA GSFC, Geodesy and Geophysics Laboratory, Greenbelt, MD, USA
Robert Walko, Ph.D.
Scientist, MAS, University of Miami