George L. Argyros Endowed Chair in Finance and Economics
Ph.D. (Economics) Harvard University
M.A. (Economics) University of Kansas
B.S.E.E. (Electrical Engineering) California Institute of Technology
Research Interests:
Experimental Economics, Industrial Organization, Property Rights Economics
Recent Publications:
2017 “Sentiments, Conduct, and Trust in the Laboratory,” Social Philosophy and Policy 34(1) Summer, pp 1-33. With Bart Wilson
2017 "Trump’s Best Deal Ever: Privatize the Interstates; Proceeds could provide a permanent basic income to every citizen. Pie in the sky? Ask an Alaskan. "Wall Street Journal, Opinion Commentary. June, 27.
2017 “What Unites Us Can scholars cross ideological divides to engage in a rich, respectful dialogue? This seems like a good time to find out.” Chapman Magazine, Peter McLaren and Vernon Smith dialogue, edited by Dennis Arp, March 15.
2017 “Freedom of Speech, Assembly, and Association over the Last Century: An oral history account.” Open Inquiry Project, Institute for Humane studies, April 21.
2017 “John Nash A Personal Remembrance” Games and Economic BehaviorVolume 103, May, Special Memorial Issue, pp 1-18.
2017 “Who Benefits in capitalism?” Counting the Cost Christian Perspectives of Capitalism, edited by Art Lindsey and Anna Bradley. Abilene, TX: Christain University press. With Joy Buchanan.
2016 “Economic Modeling Why the Standard Model Survives Bad Performance” The Independent Review, v. 20, n. 4, ISSN 1086–1653, Copyright © 2016, pp. 627–631. With Steve Gjerstad.
2015 "Give The FDA Some Competition With Free To Choose Medicine"Forbes, Published online: 01 December.
2015 “Adam Smith: Homo Socialis, Yes; Social Preferences, No; Reciprocity Was to Be Explained”Review of Behavioral Economics, Vol 2.
2015 “Adam Smith and Experimental Economics: Sentiments to Wealth,” to appear, Princeton Guide to Adam Smith, edited by Ryan Hanley. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
2015 "Discovery Processes, Science, and ‘Knowledge–How: Competition as a Discovery Procedure in the Laboratory," to appear, Austrian Review of Economics. 40 Years After the Nobel: F.A. Hayek and Political Economy as a Progressive Research Program, P. Boettke.
2015 “Conduct, rules and the origins of institutions,” Journal of Institutional Economics. DOI: (About DOI), 3 pages. Published online: 13 January.
2015 ”Humanomics of Adam Smith,” Symposium Translating Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments, The Adam Smith Review, Volume 8.
2014 “New Insights into Old Discoveries: Two Kinds of Markets.” International Journal of the Economics of Business, 21 (1), pp 33-35.
Publications in Process:
“Haiti Priorise: Commentary”
Narratives of Discovery. 800 page manuscript completed.
“Adam Smith, Scientist and Evolutionist: Modelling Other-Regarding Behavior without Social Preferences.” To appear Bionomics
Moral Sentiments and the Wealth of Nations. To appear, Cambridge University Press. With Bart Wilson