»Vernon L. Smith


Vernon Smith

George L. Argyros Endowed Chair in Finance and Economics

Email: vsmith@chapman.edu

Ph.D. (Economics) Harvard University

M.A. (Economics) University of Kansas
B.S.E.E. (Electrical Engineering) California Institute of Technology

Research Interests:

Experimental Economics, Industrial Organization, Property Rights Economics

Recent Publications:

2017 “Sentiments, Conduct, and Trust in the Laboratory,” Social Philosophy and Policy 34(1) Summer, pp 1-33. With Bart Wilson

2017 "Trump’s Best Deal Ever: Privatize the Interstates; Proceeds could provide a permanent basic income to every citizen. Pie in the sky? Ask an Alaskan. ​"Wall Street Journal​, Opinion Commentary. June, 27.

2017 “What Unites Us Can scholars cross ideological divides to engage in a rich, respectful dialogue? This seems like a good time to find out.” Chapman Magazine, Peter McLaren and Vernon Smith dialogue, edited by Dennis Arp, March 15. https://blogs.chapman.edu/magazine/2017/03/15/what-unites-us/

2017 “Freedom of Speech, Assembly, and Association over the Last Century: An oral history account.” Open Inquiry Project, Institute for Humane studies, April 21.

2017 “John Nash A Personal Remembrance” Games and Economic BehaviorVolume 103, May, Special Memorial Issue, pp 1-18.

2017 “Who Benefits in capitalism?” Counting the Cost Christian Perspectives of Capitalism, edited by Art Lindsey and Anna Bradley. Abilene, TX: Christain University press. With Joy Buchanan.

2016 “Economic Modeling Why the Standard Model Survives Bad Performance” The Independent Review, v. 20, n. 4, ISSN 1086–1653, Copyright © 2016, pp. 627–631. With Steve Gjerstad.

2015 "Give The FDA Some Competition With Free To Choose Medicine"Forbes, Published online: 01 December.

2015 “Adam Smith: Homo Socialis, Yes; Social Preferences, No; Reciprocity Was to Be Explained”Review of Behavioral Economics, Vol 2.

2015 “Adam Smith and Experimental Economics: Sentiments to Wealth,” to appear, Princeton Guide to Adam Smith, edited by Ryan Hanley. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

2015 "Discovery Processes, Science, and ‘Knowledge–How: Competition as a Discovery Procedure in the Laboratory," to appear, Austrian Review of Economics. 40 Years After the Nobel: F.A. Hayek and Political Economy as a Progressive Research Program, P. Boettke.

2015 “Conduct, rules and the origins of institutions,” Journal of Institutional Economics. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1744137414000605 (About DOI), 3 pages. Published online: 13 January.

2015 ”Humanomics of Adam Smith,” Symposium Translating Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments, The Adam Smith Review, Volume 8.

2014 “New Insights into Old Discoveries: Two Kinds of Markets.” International Journal of the Economics of Business, 21 (1), pp 33-35.

Publications in Process:

“Haiti Priorise: Commentary”

Narratives of Discovery. 800 page manuscript completed.

“Adam Smith, Scientist and Evolutionist: Modelling Other-Regarding Behavior without Social Preferences.” To appear Bionomics

Moral Sentiments and the Wealth of Nations. To appear, Cambridge University Press. With Bart Wilson

CV of Vernon L. Smith