Beckman Hall at Chapman University
Economic Science Institute

»Directors Roundtable: A Dialogue with Nobel Laureate Vernon Smith

The Impact of Both Current Government Economic Policies & the Housing Bubble on Corporate Board Strategies

Thank you to all who attended this year's event.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 9–11 a.m.

Lyon Conference Center, Argyros Forum 209 A/B
One University Drive, Orange, CA 92866

The Directors Roundtable is conducting a worldwide series of events with Nobel Laureates in Economics. At this program co-hosted by Chapman University's Economic Science Institute, Laureate Vernon Smith will make the keynote address on how current government economic policies impact strategies for boards of directors; and on what businesses and investors can learn from the recent housing bubble.

Professor Smith will be followed by a roundtable discussion with distinguished panelists. They will provide valuable insights for directors, c-suite executives, and investors, combining theory and practice for more successful results in challenging markets. Their topics include economics, real estate and litigation.

A full-color transcript of the proceedings will be made available electronically on this website following the event. The Directors Roundtable is a civic group which organizes the preeminent worldwide programming for directors and their advisors.



Vernon Smith, Ph.D.
Nobel Laureate in Economic Science, George L. Argyros Chair in Finance and Economics, Professor of Economics and Law, Chapman University

Distinguished Panelists

Niladri "Neel" Mukherjee
Director – Office of the CIO, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, Investment Management & Guidance

Steven Gjerstad, Ph.D.
Presidential Fellow at Chapman University; Co-Author with Prof. Smith of Rethinking Housing Bubbles

Dana Kopper
Managing Director, Lockton Companies, LLC, Directors & Officers' Liability and Governance Risk Management Group

Jack Friedman (moderator)
Chairman, Directors Roundtable; Author of articles in The Wall Street Journal and Barron's on Bonds , Limited Partnerships, and Legally Troubled Asset

director roundtable logo

Contact Us

Jack Friedman 
Chairman of the Directors Roundtable

Karen Todd
Executive Staff
(727) 493-2067

Vernon Smith

Keynote Vernon Smith

Nobel Laureate in Economic Science, George L. Argyros Chair in Finance and Economics, Professor of Economics and Law, Chapman University