The Schmid Center of Argyros College serves Chapman students and the business community through intellectually robust yet practically actionable education and research on the global ecoonomy, markets, and organizations.
Undergraduate business students can graduate with an emphasis in International Business by completing foundational courses in International Marketing, International Financial Management, International Economics, and International Business Management. Additional advanced coursework is available in Economic Development, Business Across Cultures, and Special Topics in International Business. The International Business emphasis also incorporates an International Business Travel Course or one semester study abroad.
MBA students can graduate with an emphasis in International Business by completing at least three courses in International Finance, International Marketing, International Business Law, Building Cross- Cultural Business Competencies, and Special Topics in International Business. The International Business emphasis also incorporates an International Business Travel Course or one semester study abroad.
Executive MBA students at Chapman experience global business courses integrated into their core curriculum through Creating & Sustaining Competitive Advantage (a course driven by an international business simulation) and a residential international travel course, Management in a Global Environment. The Distinguished Speaker Series in International Business brings accomplished leaders in global enterprise to share their experience and knowledge with Chapman Executive MBAs. Executive MBAs also can elect to take additional advanced MBA courses on international business.
International Business Executive Education programs can be tailored for companies whose executives are not enrolled in Chapman’s MBA or Executive MBA programs. These can be micro- focused on industries, such as with disruptive innovation in the global automotive industry, or designed to empower corporate leaders with knowledge of underlying causes of trending macro developments, such as with Asia-Pacific geoeconomics.
The Schmid Center Newslettergoes out electronically to subscribers every full month of the academic year to provide updates on educational and research activities associated with global studies at Argyros College. You can sign up to receive the newsletter here.