»Training Requirements

Public Health Service Policy and USDA Animal Welfare Regulations require that "all personnel involved with the care and use of animals must be adequately educated, trained, and/or qualified in basic principles of laboratory animal science to help ensure high-quality science and animal well-being."

At Chapman University, the IACUC requires that all animal-using research staff complete the following MANDATORY tasks:

  1. Participate in Chapman’s Lab Animal Occupational Health Program (LAOHP)
  2. Complete online LearnUpon training
  3. Complete online CITI training
  4. Complete Animal Facility Training
  5. Submit amendment to add personnel.


Getting Started

Submit a ticket to the Office of Research through JIRA.

Provide the following:

  • Full name
  • Lab group
  • State that you would like to gain access to Cayuse and be registered for all required animal user/non-animal user training.

An IACUC Office administrator will reach out via email to provide further guidance.

Please read the following tabs for further details:

  • LearnUpon & LAOHP
  • CITI Training
  • Animal Facility Training
  • 1. Complete all assigned LearnUpon training as required by your position. You will automatically be enrolled in any required training modules after your ticket is reviewed.

    2. Complete the Lab Animal Occupational Health Program (LAOHP) Questionnaire in LearnUpon, if required by your position and assigned. 

    3. Send all completion certificates to your supervisor and the IACUC Office.

  • 1. Register for CITI Program

    Instructions can be found under the CITI Tab.

    Register for the required training modules (Question 8 in Registration)

    • 'Chapman intro to animal care "101" for investigators' (mandatory)
    • 'Working with Mice in Research Settings' (if applicable)
    • 'Working with Rats in Research Settings' (if applicable)
    • 'Working with Zebrafish (Danio Rerio) in Research Settings' (if applicable)
  • Contact the appropriate facility manager to sign-up for the required animal facility training. The IACUC Office will send you the appropriate contact information on review of your ticket.

    Note: Facility training should occur no more than 2 months before animal work begins to prevent loss of information or required re-training.

Submit an Amendment in Cayuse

Once all training is completed as described above, the Principal Investigator (PI) should submit an amendment in Cayuse to add personnel to the approved protocol.