»How to Begin Studying
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Creating a Study Environment
- Find a place to study and keep it for studying only.
- Gather together all materials needed for studying.
- Control noise level and the visual environment to acceptable levels.
- Avoid relaxing while working; create a work atmosphere. When you take a break, leave your study place then come back to work.
When to Study
- Determine your “up” times. You may be a “morning person” or an “evening person”.
- Study when there are the fewest competing activities in progress.
- Study is most effective when adequate rest periods are provided.
- Stop studying when fatigue or lack of attention occurs.
How to Study and Concentrate
- When distractions are present, “tune them out”. Become focused on your project.
- Keep a pad of paper handy and jot down extraneous thoughts that cross your mind when studying. Get them out of your mind and onto paper.
- Set study goals before you begin studying (i.e. number of pages or number of problems).
- Give yourself adequate rewards after specific goals are met.
- Break up the monotony of studying by changing the order of subjects you study.
- Make the most of rest period and do something very different from studying.
- Do not try to mix work and play.
- Start with short study periods and slowly build to longer periods only as fast as you maintain concentration.
- If necessary, make a calendar of events to clear your mind of distractions.
- Realize that you won’t lose friends, respect, or a “good time” just because of your studying.
- Plan the length of your study period by the amount of material you decided to cover, not by the clock, which can be a serious distraction.