Please watch the video below for an overview of the late withdrawal petition process through the Dean of Students Office:
Late withdrawal petitions are not automatically granted. Late withdrawals may only be submitted for compelling and substantial circumstances that were not foreseeable by the student during the regular withdrawal period. Late withdrawals are typically granted for serious medical conditions, including mental health concerns, or significant family or personal emergencies. Even severe difficulties beyond the student's control may not be grounds for a late withdrawal unless the circumstances could not have reasonably been foreseen and handled through the normal processes before the final withdrawal deadline. If the student knew of the difficulties before the drop date and decided to stay in classes anyway, then the late withdrawal policies are not designed to reverse this choice. The student should typically be able to demonstrate that he or she was attending classes regularly and making good academic process until the intervening event occurred. Additionally, the student should be able to show that the intervening circumstances took place after the withdrawal deadline.
If a student's petition for a late withdrawal is granted by the Dean of Students Office, the student will receive W's for course grades instead of a letter grade. Please note that a late withdrawal for medical reasons or personal/family emergencies does not refund tuition fees.
Download the petition form and printable instructions for the process here:
Common Questions about the Late Withdrawal Petition Process
What are the steps to submit a petition for a Late Withdrawal?
To petition to withdraw from classes after the tenth week of the semester, you will need to:
- Complete a petition form for late withdrawal, making sure to sign at the signature line.
- Attach a typed, personal explanation of your emergency or circumstances, explaining how the circumstances came to be and how they impacted your academic success.
- Attach supporting documentation.
- If you are petitioning due to a medical or mental health concern, you may provide
a letter from your doctor or therapist. It should be on official letterhead from the
specialist’s office and include:
- The nature of your illness or condition, when it was diagnosed and how it impacted your ability to complete course requirements.
- The date of onset of your illness and the dates that you were under their professional care.
- The last date that you were able to attend class.
- Any other information your doctor can provide about your circumstances.
- Must be typed on the health care provider's letterhead stationery.
- If you are petitioning for a family or personal emergency, supporting documentation
may look like one or more of the following:
- Documentation of a close family member’s medical care, obituary, or death certificate.
- Travel documents.
- Accident reports or other official records from police.
- Court records or a letter from an attorney.
- If you are submitting documentation that is not in English, we ask that you also provide an English translation as well.
- Although a parent can submit an additional letter, letters from parents are not sufficient by themselves as third party documentation. Strong recommendations from faculty will be considered, but they also cannot serve as the only documentation.
- If you are petitioning due to a medical or mental health concern, you may provide
a letter from your doctor or therapist. It should be on official letterhead from the
specialist’s office and include:
Once you have the form, your letter of explanation and supporting documentation, please submit everything to the Dean of Students Office in Argyros Forum 101. Documentation may also be mailed or faxed in directly from your doctor’s office.
Students may also be asked to meet with a staff member in the Dean of Students Office to further discuss their petition request.
Download full instructions on the late withdrawal petition process here and download a petition form here.
Does a Late Withdrawal impact my financial aid or provide me with a tuition refund?
Completing a late withdrawal does not refund tuition fees or waive your responsibility to remain current on your Chapman account. Students are strongly encouraged to speak to the Office of Financial Aid about their specific financial aid eligibility, as eligibility for funds is often affected by a student's academic progress. You may also like to look at the tuition refund policy.
Other benefits may be impacted by a student withdrawing from classes. A late withdrawal from one or more classes can impact a student's veterans' benefits or your F1/J1 visa status. Please call (714) 997-6721 if you have questions about your unique situation and the Dean of Students Office can help direct you to the proper campus resources.
Is there a deadline by which I need to submit my petition?
Late withdrawal petitions must be submitted no later than six months after the end of the semester from which the student is requesting a late withdrawal. Typically, students may not petition for late withdrawal from more than one semester during their enrollment at Chapman. There may be some exception to this depending on the specific circumstances; however, these exceptions are rare. If you are looking to submit a petition more than six months after a semester you're hoping to withdraw from or are interested in withdrawing from more than one semester, please contact the Dean of Students Office at (714) 997-6721 to schedule an appointment and discuss your circumstances.
Download full instructions on the late withdrawal petition process here and download a petition form here.
How long does it take to hear if my petition has been approved?
After a petition is received, it usually takes about one to two weeks to review. The Dean of Students Office will contact you through your Chapman University email with an update on your petition.
If you are submitting a petition for the current semester, continue attending class until a final decision is made. If you stop attending class without withdrawing, you may risk negative grade consequences.