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»Alcohol, Drugs, Prevention & Resource Information
Education and Support
Dr. Smith is available to discuss concerns related to alcohol and drug use in a privileged, confidential, and safe setting. Dr. Smith will meet with you one on one to discuss options, provide education, resources and will work with you to develop an action plan to move forward. Her office is located in the Argyros Forum - 303F.
Emergencies (Overdose): Contact 911 or Public Safety.
Students are advised to download the Panther Guardian App - Panther Guardian APP
Additional resources and a list of local AA meetings can be accessed below.
Alcohol & Drug Prevention Resources
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline / Website
- Veterans Crisis Line
- Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness
- Mental Health and Substance Use in Young Adults
- Know the Risks of Marijuana
- Opiods
- Opiod Overdose
- Marijuana Anonymous Meetings
- AA Local Meeting Directory
- Suicide Prevention
- National Institute on Drug Abuse
Alcohol and Other Date Rape Drugs
Rohypnol is used to produce heavy sedation, lowered inhibitions, and anterograde amnesia.
After the drug wears off, users may find themselves unable to remember what happened
while under its influence. It is typically placed in victims' drinks without their
knowledge. Once it is dissolved, it is nearly undetectable.
Although it is illegal to manufacture or possess in the U.S., it is legal in many
other countries. Rohypnol can be detected in some toxicology screenings up to 4 days
after ingestion. It remains in the urine between 48 to 96 hours after ingestion and
in the blood between 12 and 24 hours.
GHB is used in drug facilitated rapes because of its powerful sedative properties.
It is mixed into victims' drinks to mask the salty taste. GHB is rapidly absorbed
and metabolized by the body. Detectable levels may remain in the urine for approximately
8 to 12 hours after ingestions. It is NOT detected in routine blood or urine screens;
therefore is important to specifically request a GHB screen as soon after the assault
as possible.
Other Drugs:
There are many other drugs that can sedate and/or incapacitate a person. Please be
Alcohol is the number one date rape drug. Beware of the person who continues to buy
you drinks or gets you to drink excessively, especially if the person is not consuming
Alcohol Poisoning
Alcohol Poisoning is a Real Danger
Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. Drinking too much alcohol within a
brief period of time can put a person at risk.
A person can die from acute alcohol intoxication (alcohol poisoning). Don't leave
the person alone to sleep off the after-effects of alcohol consumption - especially
if you think the person has consumed an excessive amount.
Generally, when a person has consumed too much alcohol, the body tries to get rid
of it by vomiting or the person may pass out (which doesn't allow any more consumption
of this central nervous system depressant). During drinking games (and other activities
of this type) large quantities of alcohol are consumed in a short period of time.
Too much alcohol in the bloodstream is extremely dangerous and can result in death.
The following are some of the symptoms of alcohol poisoning:
- unconsciousness with very irregular, shallow breathing
- the skin may be pale, cold and/or clammy
- the person may vomit while unconscious and may not awaken after vomiting
Drinking games, chugging alcohol and 'shots' are dangerous activities that can result
in serious consequences.
PLEASE, do not engage in these activities.
What You Should Know
What You Should Know
- Alcohol has been implicated in as many as 90% of campus sexual assault incidents.
- Alcohol plays a major role in 95% of violent crimes on university campuses.
- People with alcohol and substance abuse problems often don't realize that they have a problem.
- Alcohol abuse and other substance abuse contribute to serious physical, social and psychological problems on our campuses.
- Alcohol and drug use are often associated with high risk behaviors. The use of substances can have negative effects upon the user's quality of life, including relationships, academic achievements and career goals.
Vaping & Smoking Information and Support
What Parents Should Know
Alcohol and University Students
University Students and Drinking
Excessive alcohol use among university students is a public health concern affecting not only drinking students, but non-drinking peers who may be subjected to arguments, insults, vandalism, unwanted sexual advancements, disrupted sleep, interrupted study time, and taking care of severely intoxicated roommates.
Students who drink excessively are at an increased risk of experiencing accidents, assaults, contracting an STD/STI, experiencing alcohol poisoning, poor academic performance and myriad other consequences.
Despite prevention efforts, approximately many first-year students report at least one episode of heavy drinking.
Research results indicate that the more students reported that their parents knew about the ways in which they spent their free time and the more their parents asked about their free time activities, the less a student tended to associate with heavy drinking peers in college AND the less they consumed themselves.
- BEFORE your student departs for campus, clearly discuss your expectations regarding alcohol use and related behaviors.
- Be sure to include related issues: Safety, violence, affirmative consent, capacity.
- Listen to what your student has to say and emphasize their safety.
Resources and Referrals
Contact Student Psychological Services for Assessments, Treatment Referrals, and Assistance.
Is My Drinking Risky?
Binge drinking is a very serious problem on college campuses. Find out if your drinking habits are dangerous to your health and safety.
Is my Drug Use Risky?
We do not condone illegal drug use. We provide information to help students who are at risk.