»French Studies
Students majoring in French will acquire a considerable degree of competency in the written and spoken language as well as knowledge of the literature and culture of France and the French-speaking world.
Studying French at Chapman is a tremendous experience that empowers the learner to choose the direction of their own education within the degree itself. The framework for a major or minor is in place with several choices available every semester.
A major in French is an excellent portal to a variety of careers in the humanities, the economic world, government, and science, and to a lifetime of global awareness and cultural reflection.
B.A. French: Requirements for completing a B.A. in French: 30 credits, 24 of which must be upper-division.
B.A. Global Communication & World Languages (French): Requirements for completing this BA: 24 credits in communication studies and 24 credits in French starting with FR 201 and FR 202. Learn more and apply.