Citizenship, Community, and Service

Learning at Chapman

Citizenship, Community, and Service

Learning at Chapman

»Citizenship, Community, Service

Citizenship, Community, Service Learning Outcome:

Citizenship Learning Outcome:

  • Student demonstrates through analysis and/or personal engagement an understanding of the emergence, development, operations, and/or consequences of political systems in the US and/or other countries.
  • Student can identify the rights and responsibilities of citizens and/or leaders as embodied in political, civic, or service organizations.

Community Learning Outcome:

  • Student demonstrates through analysis and/or personal engagement an understanding of the emergence, development, changes and challenges to and, in some cases, destruction of diverse social groups who are marginalized within the context of larger societal environments.
  • Student demonstrates through written, oral, media or other communication process a critical perspective on issues of civil rights, self-representation, participatory politics, and/or similar issues of inclusiveness.

Service Learning Outcome:

  • Student examines the theoretical and/or applied aspects of community service through coursework and/or through active engagement in a service -earning experience and demonstrates:
    • the ability to apply discipline‐specific and/or interdisciplinary knowledge and critical thinking skills to community issues.
    • critical self‐reflection of the student’s own assumptions and values as applied to community issues.
    • knowledge and sensitivity to issues of culture, diversity, and social justice as applied to community engagement. 

Community, Citizenship, Service Courses

Community, Citizenship, Service Evaluation Rubric

Community, Citizenship, Service Assessment Process

Assessment Date: The Community, Citizenship, Service area was assessed in the s pring of 2020. The assessment of the student work samples collected resulted in the following action steps.

Action Steps Taken: Some instructors teaching CCS courses assessed their students’ performance across CCS categories, even if the categories were outside of the course category. For example, an instructor of course under the Citizenship category could have assessed their students’ performance under the Service category because the instructor deemed their assignment to cover this category. Likewise, some instructors teaching a specific category may not have assessed their students’ performance in this category because they deemed their assignment not to cover elements of this category.

As noted above, we will notify faculty teaching Citizenship courses that the Citizenship 1 student responses barely reached the minimum expectations of the assessment. 

Before going forward with the next CCS assessment, we will assign a group of relevant faculty to recertify each course in each category.  I hope that process will help us design a universal assessment question for each category.