Values and Ethics Inquiry Learning Outcome: Students articulate how values and ethics inform human understanding, structures,
and behavior.
Value and Ethics Inquiry Courses
Values and Ethics Inquiry Assessment Rubric
Values and Ethics Inquiry Assessment Process
Assessment Date: The Values and Ethics Inquiry area was assessed in
Action Steps Taken: The previous GE VI assessment was conducted under different conditions and has issues
relating to sample size, incomplete or inadequate submissions, and other logistical
issues. Thus, prior findings were not deemed sufficient for comparison with the current
assessment strategy. Going forward, future assessments will be consistent with this
year’s process and more effective longitudinal comparisons may be drawn.
We hope to make one change; assessors will not be the students’ teachers. We will
collect prompts and student responses and then have outside faculty, with expertise
in the relevant field, score the student responses.
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Values and Ethics Inquiry
Learning at Chapman
Values and Ethics Inquiry
Learning at Chapman
»Values and Ethics Inquiry
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