Chapman's Argyros Forum.
Learning at Chapman

»Institutional Data

All academic units undertaking program review are expected to make use and provide analysis of institutional data on their programs, courses, students, faculty, and budget in addressing program review questions.  The Office of the Provost will provide data on the following subjects to all academic units conducting program review by the start of the Fall Semester in which the unit undertakes program review:

  • Enrollments/Course Offerings
  • Students- Enrollment, Graduation and Retention Data
  • Faculty
  • Budget

This data will complement the documents and information that academic units present in the program review process, including catalog description of curriculum/courses, course catalog description and outcomes, learning outcomes assessment plan/annual reports, and updated faculty vitae.  The unit must submit both the institutional data and required department/school documents and information in the Appendix of its Program Review Self-Study Report.

The use of institutional data is a key to the success of the program review process, supported by relevant university documents.  The use of institutional data will enable the unit to focus on central issues and questions and to examine its programs and practices using evidence of educational effectiveness and institutional resources.  Selected institutional data may highlight issues that the unit must address in the program review process, such as low frequency or enrollments of selected courses, or unusual trends in graduation and retention rates.

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Enrollments/Course Offerings

  1. Number of regular classes, enrollments, and average class size of undergraduate/graduate/total courses offered by department/school/college by semester/year for last five years
  2. Number and percentage of classes by size of enrollment of undergraduate/graduate/total courses offered by department/school/college by semester/year for last five years
  3. Number of sections of each course offered each semester for the last five years
  4. List of courses with enrollments of 10 or less in last five years
  5. List of courses not offered once in last four years
  6. Current unit requirements in majors, minors, emphases of all degree programs
  7. Current grade requirements in majors and minors of all degree programs


  1. Number of undergraduate/graduate students in majors and emphases in department/school/ college in fall semester of each academic year for last five years
  2. Retention and graduation rates of undergraduate/graduate students in department/ school/college for last five years
  3. Number of undergraduate/graduate degrees awarded in department/school/college each academic year for last five years
  4. Placement rate of graduating seniors in graduate school by degree program in department/school one year after graduation for last three years and names of graduate schools


  1. Number of FTEs full-time and tenured/tenure-track/non-tenure-track faculty by rank by department/school/college for the last five years
  2. Number/percentage of full-time faculty by race/ethnicity and gender by department/school/college for last three years
  3. Number/percentage of courses taught by full-time/part-time faculty for last five years
  4. Average number of courses/credit hours taught by full-time faculty per academic year for last five years
  5. Average grade distribution in undergraduate/graduate degree programs of department/school/college by academic year for last five years
  6. Average student evaluations of faculty in undergraduate/graduate programs of department/school/college by semester for last five years


  1. Annual budget revenues and expenditures for last five years